# include
DWORD WINAPI Fun1Proc (LPVOID lpParameter);
DWORD WINAPI Fun2Proc (LPVOID lpParameter);
DWORD WINAPI Fun3Proc (LPVOID lpParameter);
Int tickets=15;
Void main ()
HANDLE hThread1;
HANDLE hThread2;
HANDLE hThread3;
HThread1=CreateThread (NULL, 0, Fun1Proc, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL);
SetThreadPriority (hThread1 THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
HThread2=CreateThread (NULL, 0, Fun2Proc, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL);
SetThreadPriority (hThread2, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
HThread3=CreateThread (NULL, 0, Fun3Proc, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL);
SetThreadPriority (hThread3 THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE);
ResumeThread (hThread1);
ResumeThread (hThread2);
ResumeThread (hThread3);
The WaitForSingleObject (hThread1, INFINITE);
//SetThreadPriority (hThread3 IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS);
The CloseHandle (hThread1);
The CloseHandle (hThread2);
The CloseHandle (hThread3);
DeleteCriticalSection (& amp; G_cs);
DWORD WINAPI Fun1Proc (LPVOID lpParameter) {
Sleep (20);
While (TRUE)
The EnterCriticalSection (& amp; G_cs);
If (tickets> 5)
//Sleep (1);
Cout<" Thread1 sell ticket: "& lt;
The else
LeaveCriticalSection (& amp; G_cs);
return 0;
DWORD WINAPI Fun2Proc (LPVOID lpParameter) {
InitializeCriticalSection (& amp; G_cs);
While (TRUE)
The EnterCriticalSection (& amp; G_cs);
If (tickets> 0)
//Sleep (1);
Cout<" Thread2 sell ticket: "& lt;
The else
If (tickets==5) LeaveCriticalSection (& amp; G_cs);
return 0;
DWORD WINAPI Fun3Proc (LPVOID lpParameter) {
Cout<" Thread 3 start running!"
Run results