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Delphi generated EXE, button use right way


A Delphi compiled EXE file, a great god interpretation of "import" button how to operate, to correct the corresponding program

CodePudding user response:

Import the image file, it is through TOpenPictureDialog controls, open an image file, read the image, then print it out, or stored in the database,
For example:
Procedure TSeleteImageFrm. Button3Click (Sender: TObject);
Var FileName: string;
Bmp: TBitmap;
The begin
OpenPictureDialog1. InitialDir:=ImagePath;
OpenPictureDialog1. Filter:='open the image file (*.jpg) | *. JPG';
If OpenPictureDialog1. Execute then
The begin
FileName:=OpenPictureDialog1. FileName;
JPG:=TJPEGImage. Create;
Bmp:=TBitmap. Create;
JPG. LoadFromFile (FileName);
BMP. Assign (JPG);
Image1. Picture. Assign (BMP);
The finally.
JPG. Free;
Bmp. Free;

CodePudding user response:

What I mean by this?

CodePudding user response:

* Possible String Reference to: 'select * from 071114 where the cancellation date
0050 d177 68 f8d25000 d2f8 push $0050
0050 d17c FF75DC push dword PTR [ebp - $24]
$0050 0050 6828 d35000 d17f push d328
0050 d184 8 d45d4 lea eax, [ebp - $2 c]
0050 d187 BA03000000 mov edx, $00000003

Call 004046 0050 d18c E86375EFFF f4
0050 8 b55d4 d191 mov edx, [ebp - $2 c]
0050 d194 58 pop eax
0050 8 b08 mov ecx d195, [eax]
0050 d197 FF512C call dword PTR [ecx + $2 c]

* Possible String Reference to: 'photos the import is complete! Total import: '
$0050 0050 6844 d35000 d248 push d344
0050 d24d 8 d55cc lea edx, [ebp - $34]

CodePudding user response:

The 2 button is decompiled crack?
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