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Zintbarcode print qr code


Procedure GraphicToBitmap (const Src: Graphics. TGraphic;
Const Dest: Graphics. TBitmap;
Const TransparentColor: Graphics. TColor=Graphics. ClNone);
The begin
//Do nothing if either the source or destination are nil
If not Assigned or not Assigned (Src) (Dest) then
The Exit;
//the Size of the bitmap
Dest. Width:=Src. Width;
Dest. Height:=Src. Height;
If the Src. Transparent then
The begin
//Source graphic is transparent, make bitmap concerns transparently
Dest. Transparent:=True;
If (TransparentColor & lt;> Graphics. ClNone) then
The begin
//Set destination as transparent using required see colour key
Dest. TransparentColor:=TransparentColor;
Dest. TransparentMode:=Graphics. TmFixed;
//Set the background to see colour of bitmap to transparent see
Dest. Canvas. Brush. Color:=TransparentColor;
The else
//No transparent see colour: set the transparency to automatic
Dest. TransparentMode:=Graphics. TmAuto;
//the Clear bitmap to the required background see colour and the draw bitmap
Dest. Canvas. FillRect (Classes. The Rect (0, 0, Dest. Width, Dest, Height));
Dest. Canvas. The Draw (0, 0, Src);

The qr code. This I want to have barcode1 data into images, and then import the pictures for printing, use the above code, how to convert

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People, where go to death
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