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Java, an Eclipse run Java. Lang. IllegalArgumentException: Invalid substring range


Using Eclipse to run the program, an error in the text box input Chinese, circulation, and digital input English no problem,

Type in Chinese, and then click space background first circulation anomaly, the interface is as follows:

Return to the program edit page, click on run again, no cursor, no input response, can be closed,

Circulation to exception is as follows:
 the Exception in the thread "is the AWT - EventQueue - 0" Java. Lang. IllegalArgumentException: Invalid substring range 
The at Java. Text. AttributedString $AttributedStringIterator. & lt; Init> (AttributedString. Java: 768)
The at Java. Text. AttributedString. GetIterator (AttributedString. Java: 595)
The at javax.mail. Swing. Text. Utilities. DrawComposedText (Utilities. Java: 902)
The at javax.mail. Swing. Text. PlainView. DrawElement (PlainView. Java: 107)
The at javax.mail. Swing. Text. PlainView. DrawLine (PlainView. Java: 88)
The at javax.mail. Swing. Text. PlainView. Paint (PlainView. Java: 311)
The at javax.mail. Swing. Text. FieldView. Paint (FieldView. Java: 188)
The at javax.mail. Swing. Plaf. Basic. BasicTextUI $RootView. Paint (BasicTextUI. Java: 1434)
The at javax.mail. Swing. Plaf. Basic. BasicTextUI. PaintSafely (BasicTextUI. Java: 737)
The at javax.mail. Swing. Plaf. Basic. BasicTextUI. Paint (BasicTextUI. Java: 881)
The at javax.mail. Swing. Plaf. Basic. BasicTextUI. Update (BasicTextUI. Java: 860)
The at javax.mail. Swing. Jcomponents. PaintComponent (jcomponents. Java: 780)
The at javax.mail. Swing. Jcomponents. Paint (jcomponents. Java: 1056)
The at javax.mail. Swing. Jcomponents. PaintToOffscreen (jcomponents. Java: 5210)
The at javax.mail. Swing. BufferStrategyPaintManager. Paint (BufferStrategyPaintManager. Java: 290)
The at javax.mail. Swing. RepaintManager. Paint (RepaintManager. Java: 1272)
The at javax.mail. Swing. Jcomponents. _paintImmediately (jcomponents. Java: 5158)
The at javax.mail. Swing. Jcomponents. PaintImmediately (jcomponents. Java: 4969)
The at javax.mail. Swing. RepaintManager $4. The run (RepaintManager. Java: 831)
The at javax.mail. Swing. RepaintManager $4. The run (RepaintManager. Java: 814)
The at Java. Security. The AccessController. DoPrivileged (Native Method)
The at Java. Security. ProtectionDomain $JavaSecurityAccessImpl. DoIntersectionPrivilege (ProtectionDomain. Java: 80)
The at javax.mail. Swing. RepaintManager. PaintDirtyRegions (RepaintManager. Java: 814)
The at javax.mail. Swing. RepaintManager. PaintDirtyRegions (RepaintManager. Java: 789)
The at javax.mail. Swing. RepaintManager. PrePaintDirtyRegions (RepaintManager. Java: 738)
At javax.mail. Swing. RepaintManager. Access the $1200 (64) RepaintManager. Java:
The at javax.mail. Swing. RepaintManager $ProcessingRunnable. Run (RepaintManager. Java: 1732)
The at Java. The awt. Event. InvocationEvent. Dispatch (InvocationEvent. Java: 311)
The at Java awt. EventQueue. DispatchEventImpl (EventQueue. Java: 756)
At Java awt. EventQueue. Access the $500 (97) EventQueue. Java:
At Java awt. EventQueue $3. The run (709) EventQueue. Java:
At Java awt. EventQueue $3. The run (703) EventQueue. Java:
The at Java. Security. The AccessController. DoPrivileged (Native Method)
The at Java. Security. ProtectionDomain $JavaSecurityAccessImpl. DoIntersectionPrivilege (ProtectionDomain. Java: 80)
The at Java awt. EventQueue. DispatchEvent (EventQueue. Java: 726)
The at Java awt. EventDispatchThread. PumpOneEventForFilters (EventDispatchThread. Java: 201)
The at Java awt. EventDispatchThread. PumpEventsForFilter (EventDispatchThread. Java: 116)
The at Java awt. EventDispatchThread. PumpEventsForFilter (EventDispatchThread. Java: 109)
The at Java awt. WaitDispatchSupport $2. The run (WaitDispatchSupport. Java: 184)
The at Java awt. WaitDispatchSupport $4. The run (WaitDispatchSupport. Java: 229)
The at Java awt. WaitDispatchSupport $4. The run (WaitDispatchSupport. Java: 227)
The at Java. Security. The AccessController. DoPrivileged (Native Method)
The at Java awt. WaitDispatchSupport. Enter (WaitDispatchSupport. Java: 227)
At Java awt. Dialog. The show (1084) Dialog. Java:
At java.awt.Com ponent. Show (1671) Component. Java:
At java.awt.Com ponent. SetVisible (Component. Java: 1623)
The at Java awt. Window. SetVisible (1014) the Window. The Java:
At Java awt. Dialog. SetVisible (1005) Dialog. Java:
At com. SoftWare. Jcappfr. BaseControl. Swing. KnWindowManager. SetupWindow (KnWindowManager. Java: 296)
At com. SoftWare. Jcappfr. BaseControl. Swing. KnWindowManager. ShowViewInDialog (KnWindowManager. Java: 438)
At com. SoftWare. Jcappfr. BaseControl. Swing. KnWindowManager. ShowView (KnWindowManager. Java: 329)
At com. SoftWare. Jcappfr. BaseControl. Swing. KnSwingView. ShowView (KnSwingView. Java: 1157)
At com.SoftWare.serviceComp.Net, Topo. TopoPanel. Showaddtopoobject (TopoPanel. Java: 705)
At com.SoftWare.serviceComp.Net, Topo. TopoPanel. AddNewDevice (TopoPanel. Java: 540)
At com.SoftWare.serviceComp.Net, Topo. TopoPanel. CustomActionCommand (TopoPanel. Java: 430)
At com. SoftWare. Jcappfr. BaseControl. Swing. KnIconElement. ActionPerformed (KnIconElement. Java: 232)
The at javax.mail. Swing. AbstractButton. FireActionPerformed (AbstractButton. Java: 2022)
The at javax.mail. Swing. AbstractButton $Handler. The actionPerformed (AbstractButton. Java: 2348)
The at javax.mail. Swing. DefaultButtonModel. FireActionPerformed (DefaultButtonModel. Java: 402)