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There is something wrong with the operator overloading (system no error, but the results is wrong)


//for people class reloading the==operator and "=" operator
//"==" operator to judge two people class objects the size of the id attribute;"="operator to realize people class object assignment operation
# include
using namespace std;
The class date//the date class
Date () {};
The date (int a, b int, int) c
Cout<" Date the constructor is called "& lt; Year=a;
The month=b;
The date (date & amp; B)
Cout<" The date copy constructor is called "& lt; Year=b.y ear;
The month=b.m onth.
Day=b.d ay;
Int getyear () {return year; }
Int getmonth () {return the month; }
Int getday () {return day; }
To date () {cout<" The date the destructor is called "& lt; Friend class people;
Int year, month, day.
Class people//people
People () {};
People (char [11], a char b [7], [3] char c, char d [16], int, e int f, int g) : birthday (e, f, g)
Cout<" People the constructor is called "& lt; The name [11]=a, [11].
The number [7] [7]=b;
Sex [3] [3]=c;
Id [16] [16]=d;
Void setpeople ();
Void showpeople ();
People (people & amp; P)
Cout<" People copy constructor is called "& lt; The name [11]=p.n ame [11].
The number [7]=p.n umber [7];
Sex [3]=p. ex [3].
Birthday=p.b irthday;
Id [16]=[16] p.i d;
~ people () {cout<" People destructor is called "& lt; People operator=(const people & amp; M1)
The name [11]=m1. Name [11].
Number. [7]=m1 number [7];
Sex [3]=m1. Sex [3].
Birthday=m1. Birthday;
Id=[16] m1. Id [16].
Return * this;
Friend Boolean operator==(const people & amp; P1, const people & amp; P2)
If (p1) id==p2) id)
return true;
The else
return false;

The date birthday;
Char name [11], number [7], sex [3], [16] id;
Void people: : setpeople ()//people in the class member function outside the class the implementation of the
Cout<" Please enter the number ";
Cin> Number;
Cout<" Please enter the name ";
Cin> name;
Cout<" Please enter the gender ";
Cin> Sex;
Cout<" Please enter the birth year ";
Cin> Birthday. Year;
Cout<" Please enter the month of birth ";
Cin> Birthday. The month;
Cout<" Please enter the birth ";
Cin> Birthday. Day;
Cout<" Please enter the id number ";
Cin> Id;
Void people: : showpeople ()
Cout<" Number: "& lt; Cout<" Name: "& lt; Cout<" Gender: "& lt; Cout<" Date of birth: "& lt; Cout<" Id number: "& lt; }
Int main ()//main function
People (p1, p2, p3;
P1. Setpeople ();
P2. Setpeople ();
Cout<" After inputting "& lt; P1. Showpeople ();
P2. Showpeople ();
Cout<" Interspersing "& lt; If (p1==p2)
Cout<" Same id "& lt; The else
Cout<" Different "id & lt; P3=p;
P3. Showpeople ();
return 0;

CodePudding user response:

Grammar is not right!
Strcpy (name, m.n ame)

CodePudding user response:

As friends upstairs said, people kind of overloaded operator=to
 people operator=(const people & amp; M1) 
Strncpy (name, m1. Name, 11);
Strncpy (number, m1. Number, 7);
Strncpy (sex, m1. Sex, 3);
Birthday=m1. Birthday;
Strncpy (id, m1. Id, 16);
Return * this;

C + + environment debugging VS2015
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