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How will the visual components encapsulation for Activex controls? Urgent please


Need to be a non visual controls (and similar) TTable function encapsulation for Activex controls,
(here I am to imitate this tutorial http://blog.csdn.net/jaminwm/article/details/463953)
Is not familiar to c + + builder, groping his lane, according to the search example, imitating the experiment will TTable encapsulated as Activex controls, steps are as follows:

(1) open the bcb6, open the File/New/ActiveX projects page, select the ActiveX Library;
While they continue to add, open the File/New/ActiveX properties page, select Automation Object, named TMyTable
I don't know how to speak TTable classes encapsulate there,
Hope I can help take a look at, to achieve specific encapsulation methods!
In TMyTableImpl h, I originally thought, let this class inherits TTable class directly, but not
TMyTableImpl. H file:

//MYTABLEIMPL. H: Declaration of the TMyTableImpl

# # ifndef MyTableImplH
# define MyTableImplH


# include "Project1_TLB. H"

//TMyTableImpl Implements IMyTable, default interface of MyTable
//ThreadingModel: Apartment
//Dual Interface: TRUE
//Event Support: FALSE
//the Default ProgID: Project1 MyTable
The class ATL_NO_VTABLE TMyTableImpl:
Public CComObjectRootEx ,
Public CComCoClassPublic IDispatchImpl{
TMyTableImpl ()

//Data informs the when registering Object
DECLARE_PROGID (" Project1. MyTable ");

//Function invoked to register (UN) object
The static HRESULT WINAPI UpdateRegistry (BOOL bRegister)
RegObj (GetObjectCLSID (), GetProgID (), the GetDescription ());
Return regObj. UpdateRegistry (bRegister);



STDMETHOD (set_Active (VARIANT_BOOL Param1));
STDMETHOD (set_DatabaseName (BSTR Param1));
STDMETHOD (Open ());
STDMETHOD (Close ());
STDMETHOD (set_TableName (BSTR Param1));
STDMETHOD (get_Active (VARIANT_BOOL * Value));
TTable * m_Table;

# endif//MyTableImplH

TMyTableImpl. CPP file
//MYTABLEIMPL: Implementation of TMyTableImpl (CoClass: MyTable, Interface: IMyTable)

# pragma hdrstop
# include "MYTABLEIMPL. H"

# pragma package (smart_init)
STDMETHODIMP TMyTableImpl: : set_Active (VARIANT_BOOL Param1)
//m_Table - & gt; Active=Param1;

M_Table - & gt; Active=Param1;
The catch (Exception & amp; E)
Return the Error (e.M essage. C_str (), IID_IMyTable);
Return S_OK.

STDMETHODIMP TMyTableImpl: : set_DatabaseName (BSTR Param1)
//m_Table - & gt; DatabaseName=Param1;

M_Table - & gt; DatabaseName="db. MDB";
The catch (Exception & amp; E)
Return the Error (e.M essage. C_str (), IID_IMyTable);
Return S_OK.

STDMETHODIMP TMyTableImpl: : Open ()
M_Table - & gt; The Open ();

STDMETHODIMP TMyTableImpl: : Close ()
M_Table - & gt; Close ();

STDMETHODIMP TMyTableImpl: : set_TableName (BSTR Param1)
//m_Table - & gt; TableName=Value;

M_Table - & gt; TableName="tb_user";
The catch (Exception & amp; E)
Return the Error (e.M essage. C_str (), IID_IMyTable);
Return S_OK.

STDMETHODIMP TMyTableImpl: : get_Active (VARIANT_BOOL * Value)
* Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/m_Table-> Active;
The catch (Exception & amp; E)
Return the Error (e.M essage. C_str (), IID_IMyTable);
Return S_OK.

CodePudding user response:

The control is new,

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor wewaa response:
control is a new,

Where should the new comes out, I am in where the interface methods, with TAB TTable *=new TTable (NULL), an error when using,

CodePudding user response:

Control well, to add to the component panel of BCB ide, so that it can be directly in the designer brought in,

CodePudding user response:

Top hope someone to help!

CodePudding user response:

Abandoning the ActiveX, this technology is not worth learning,
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