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New questions about the include header files


My header file Vec. H a class declaration in the Vec, class declares the three functions:
//returns the size of the current container
Size_type size () const;
//index operator function
T& Operator [] (size_type);
Const T& Operator [] (size_type) const;
In the Vec CPP defined in this three functions:
Typename Vec : : size_type Vec : : size () const {
Return limit - the data;
T& Vec : : operator (size_type I) [] {
The return data [I];
Const T& Vec : : operator [] (size_type I) const {
Return * (data + I);
Then in Str. CPP in include the header file and call the three functions, is a function is undefined mistake, then I directly in the Vec. H header file statement class
Directly defines these three functions, compiled through, can to a great god said what reason is this

CodePudding user response:

At the end of the template to write a file
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