Home > Back-end >  Delphi create DLL to the c calls, to join in the DLL ADO control to query the database, an error
Delphi create DLL to the c calls, to join in the DLL ADO control to query the database, an error


If inscribe
Delphi shielding ADO piece of code there is no problem, but with couldn't call
In the Delphi code:
 library ADSB; 

USES the
ShareMem, SysUtils ADODB, DB, ActiveX, Windows, StrUtils,
{$R *. Res}
Connectionstr='Provider=SQLOLEDB. 1; Persist Security Info=False; User ID=sa; Initial Catalog=airline2; The Data Source=. ';

The function aircraft (var FlightID: PChar) : PChar; Cdecl; Export;
PType: string;
Con1: TADOConnection;
Qry1: TADOQuery;
The begin
CoInitialize (nil);
Qry1:=TADOQuery. Create (nil);
Con1:=TADOConnection. Create (nil);
Qry1. Connection:=con1;
Qry1. The ConnectionString:=connectionstr;
Qry1. Close;
Qry1. SQL. The Clear;
Qry1. SQL. The Add (' select NO from routes where FN collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS=: a ');
Qry1. The Parameters. ParamByName (' a '). The Value:=StrPas (FlightID);
Qry1. Open;
If qry1. RecordCount> 0 then
The begin
PType:=qry1 Fields. [0] Value;
Result:=PChar (PType);
Qry1. Close;


The begin


Vs the code is as follows:
 # include & lt; Windows. H> 
using namespace std;
Typedef char * (* myFun) (char * arg1);
Int main (int argi, char * argv [])
HDll=LoadLibrary (" ADSB. DLL ");
If (hDll!=NULL)
MyFun fun;
Fun=(myFun) GetProcAddress call (hDll, "aircraft");
If (fun!=NULL)
Char * p="AAF103";
Char * pl=fun (p);
FreeLibrary (hDll);
return 0;

Beg you to see what a great god can help have a problem? Thank you very much!

CodePudding user response:

Prompt error as shown

CodePudding user response:

Some advice: don't use pchar as a function return value, and take them to the function of input parameters qry use don't use con the socket, a choice, use pchar want to apply for memory, can step through dynamic database, this is the basic skill,

CodePudding user response:

Can step through dynamic database, this is the basic skill,

CodePudding user response:

Con1 don't have to set the ConnectionString?
Qry1 need to set up the ConnectionString?

Qry1. The ConnectionString:=connectionstr;

The dynamic repository to step through the look on both sides of the position
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