Looks like im missing something very simple here. I have list of elements in this format now few elements in the list have '\t' (tab or multiple tabs). Now instead of '\t' i want to store them as tab in the list. I iterating over each element and doing .replace('\t', ' ') clearly this isnt working.
l = ['test', '\tabc', '\t\tcde']
I want this to be stored as
l = ['test', 'abc', 'cde'] #It isnt allowing to add whitespaces I am looking to add is 2 space or 4 space indent based on number of \t infront of an element.
Can someone please help?
CodePudding user response:
Here is my attempt:
l = ['test', '\tabc', '\t\tcde']
l = list(map(lambda elem: elem.replace('\t', ' '), l))
['test', ' abc', ' cde']
CodePudding user response:
try this:
for item in l:
for i in item:
if i == '\t':
i.replace('\t', '')