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Rasterize polygons based on maximum overlap (using R packages terra or stars)


I have a question concerning rasterization of polygons by maximum overlap, i.e assign the value of the polygon that has the highst area overlap with the raster cell.

The real world exercise is to rasterize polygons of soil-IDs in R, in order to produce relatively low resolution maps of soil properties as model inputs.

The problem is that the rasterize() function of the terra package (and similar stars' st_rasterize()) assigns the cell value from the polygon that contains the cell midpoint. If a raster cell contains multiple polygons, I would rather like to select the value of the polygon (soil-ID), which has the highest aerea cover in a raster cell.

Here is a small self-contained example that visualizes my problem, using terra.


f <- system.file("ex/lux.shp", package="terra")
v <- vect(f)
r <- rast(v, ncols = 3, nrow = 3)
rcc <- vect(xyFromCell(r, cell = 1:ncell(r)))

x <- rasterize(v, r, field = "NAME_2")
lines(r, col = "light gray")

enter image description here

Mostly, the polygons that contain the cell center also seem to have the highest area share. However, in some cases (top row, 3rd cell), this is not the case. The problem appears to get worse the bigger the cells are compared with the polygons. I could therefore start with high resolution raster, and than resample to the desired (lower) resolution, using an aggregation function (e.g. the mode). But, maybe someone has a more efficient idea?

Thank you for your help!

CodePudding user response:

Please find one possible solution using terra and sf libraries.

The idea is to convert the SpatRaster r into a SpatVector and then into an sf object in order to take advantage of the sf::st_join() function using the largest = TRUE argument. The rest of the code then consists of simply converting the sf object back into a SpatVector and then a SpatRaster using the terra::rasterize() function.

So, please find below a reprex that details the procedure.


  • Code

# Your data
f <- system.file("ex/lux.shp", package="terra")
v <- vect(f)
r <- rast(v, ncols = 3, nrow = 3)
rcc <- vect(xyFromCell(r, cell = 1:ncell(r)))

# Convert the 'SpatRaster' 'r' into a 'SpatVector (i.e. 'r_poly')
r_poly <- terra::as.polygons(r)

# Convert 'r_poly' into a 'sf' object (i.e. 'r_poly_sf')
r_poly_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(r_poly)

# Convert 'v' into a 'sf' object (i.e. 'v_sf')
v_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(v)

# Left join r_poly_sf with v_sf based on the largest overlap
results_sf <- sf::st_join(r_poly_sf, v_sf, largest = TRUE)

# Convert 'results_sf' into a SpatVector (i.e. 'results_vect')
results_vect <- terra::vect(results_sf)

# Rasterize 'results_vect' to get a 'SpatRaster' (i.e. 'results')  
results <- terra::rasterize(results_vect, r, field = "NAME_2")
  • Output

    NB: please note that the cell of the upper right corner is NA because no polygon from r overlaps v (if needed you can still set the value for cells that do not overlap by using the background= argument inside the terra::rasterize() function).

#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 3, 3, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 0.2613707, 0.2446047  (x, y)
#> extent      : 5.74414, 6.528252, 49.44781, 50.18162  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#> source      : memory 
#> name        :   NAME_2 
#> min value   : Capellen 
#> max value   :   Remich

terra::values(results, dataframe=TRUE)
#>       NAME_2
#> 1   Clervaux
#> 2   Clervaux
#> 3       <NA>
#> 4    Redange
#> 5     Mersch
#> 6 Echternach
#> 7   Capellen
#> 8 Luxembourg
#> 9     Remich
  • Visualization
lines(r, col = "light gray")

Created on 2022-02-10 by the enter image description here

Probably less efficient (especially if you have many IDs):

z <- lapply(1:nrow(v), \(i) rasterize(v[i,], r, cover=TRUE))
z <- which.max(rast(z))

But you could replace rasterize with exactextractr::coverage_fraction if you want very high precision

Even less efficient, I suppose:

values(r) <- 1:ncell(r)
# get weights
e <- extract(r, v, weights=TRUE)
e <- as.matrix(e)
#    ID lyr.1 weight
#[1,]  1     1   0.38
#[2,]  1     2   0.49
#[3,]  2     2   0.06
#[4,]  2     4   0.05
#[5,]  2     5   0.52
#[6,]  2     6   0.06

# find cell with max weight    
x <- sapply(unique(e[,2]), function(i) { 
    d <- e[e[,2] == i, ]
    d[which.max(d[,3]), 2:1]

# assign ID to cells
r[x[1,]] <- x[2,]
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