private void btnLogin_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
If (this. TxtUserName. Text. The Trim ()=="")
MessageBox. Show (" user name cannot be empty ", "prompt");
//the connection string
String STR="server=localhost; The database=addressBook; Uid=sa; The PWD=123456 ";
//connection object
SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection ();
Con. The ConnectionString=STR;
//open the database
Con. The Open ();
//execute the command
//CMD. Connection=con;
The DataSet ds=new DataSet ();
String st="select the User, the Password from the users where the User='" + txtUserName. Text. The ToString (). The Trim () +"' and Password='" + txtPassword. Text. The ToString (). The Trim () + "' ";
SqlCommand CMD=new SqlCommand (st, con);
SqlDataReader Dr=CMD. ExecuteReader ();
If (Dr. Read ())
This. Hide ();
MainForm FRM=new MainForm ();
FRM. The Show ();
The else
MessageBox. Show (" account and password error, please input again!" , "tip");
TxtPassword. Text="";
Enclosing the Focus ();
The catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox. Show (ex. ToString ());
The finally
CMD. The Dispose ();
Con. The Dispose ();
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Can set static connection test successful inside attribute? Don't write code to connect,CodePudding user response:
Tried, or that problem, database connection: no problemCodePudding user response:
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