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Delphi how to read the newest SQL 2008 a record


Delphi sql2008 database through SQL connections, now I need to read database update a record, the extraction of the elements in the record? How do you achieve? Now I only general database query, modify and upload, the great god!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CodePudding user response:

The knot posted rate window

CodePudding user response:

Can obtain the maximum or the latest date
 sSql:='SELECT IDENT_CURRENT (' + QuotedStr (' TableName) +') as NextId '; 

CodePudding user response:

STableName sSql: string;
The begin
SSql:='select top (1) the name of the from sys. Objects where type=' 'U' 'order by modify_date desc';
STableName: according to the value of sSql=
SSql:='select top (1) the from + sTableName +' order by id desc;
Perform sSql, that is, get the latest

CodePudding user response:

SSql:='select top (1) the name of the from sys. Objects where type=' 'U' 'order by modify_date desc';
STableName: according to the value of sSql=
SSql:='select top (1) the from + sTableName +' order by id desc;
Don't know much about the specific meaning, can elaborate a little???
Now I need to read the latest SQL database records, and record the data in the subsequent operation

CodePudding user response:

You perform in your database it
Select top (1) the name of the from sys. Objects where type='U' order by modify_date desc
Will return a list of recently moved the table name
Sys. Objects: view, in the database table name and update time is stored in the type='u', that is the user table

Select top (1) * from you to get the name of the table of the order by the primary key desc is not the latest data

CodePudding user response:

STableName: according to sSql=value: this sentence is what meaning,
If a database table for "ovality measure", table contains ID, ovality, the maximum diameter, minimum diameter, etc., how specific operation

CodePudding user response:

There is a problem, if I query the article in the latest data, how to a a read out, the latest data for other operation?
The great god, thank you!

CodePudding user response:

Qry: TADOQuery;
SSql, sTable, sObjId: string;
The begin
Qry:=TADOQuery. Create (nil);
Qry. Connection:=your Connection;
With qry do
The begin
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- take the table name
SQL. Text:=
'the SELECT top (1) the OBJECT_NAME (a.O BJECT_ID) AS tableName, a.O BJECT_ID' +
'the FROM sys. Dm_db_index_usage_stats a' +
'the join sys. Tables on b a.o bject_id=b.o bject_id and b.t ype=' 'U' ' '+
'WHERE database_id=7 - (ID number here to write your data)' +
'and a. ast_user_update is not null' +
'order by a. ast_user_update desc';
The open;
If not the Empty then
The begin
STable:=Fields [0]. AsString;
SObjId:=Fields [1]. AsString;
The else
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- take automatically increase the field name
SQL. Text:='select the name from sys. All_columns where object_id=' + sObjId: + 'and is_identity=1'.
The open;
If not the Empty then
The begin
SObjId:=Fields [0]. AsString;
The else
- take the latest record
SQL. Text:='select top (1) * from + sTable +' order by '+ sObjId +' desc ';
The open;
- perform your operations
The finally
If assigned (qry) then freeandnil (qry);

CodePudding user response:

The columns of the database id, a, c, d
ADOQuery1. Close;
ADOQuery1. SQL. The Clear;
SSql:='select top 1 Id as MaxId from vv_ova order by Id desc';
ADOQuery1. SQL. The Add (sSql);
ADOQuery1. Open;
Edit16. Text:=adoquery1. Fields. [0] value;
Edit17. Text:=adoquery1. Fields [1]. The value;
Can get the maximum id number, and stored in edit16, why can't edit17 get a value, the program runs to edit17. The text in the List index out of bound (1)

My purpose is to get the value of the id number and a great god, help me

CodePudding user response:

In general, have ID in the table since the increase (or decrease) field

The latest is that ID=MAX (ID) or ID=MIN (ID) of the

Or table by querying system, as the eighth floor say

However, since you have the demand, why even in the table have no ID?
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