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Special characters in prompt variables changed?


I'm currently trying to learn more about CLI with my new Macbook Pro M1 and try to customize my promt.

In my home directory it is showing:

johndoe@Johns-MacBook-Pro ~ %

in order to find out more about this prompt, I've typed:

echo $PS1  
// output: %n@%m %1~ %#

The variables n and m do not fit the explanation found online: https://www.howtogeek.com/307701/how-to-customize-and-colorize-your-bash-prompt/

As they refer to a list of following env variables:

  • \h = Hostname
  • \u = User name
  • \w = Current directory
  • \W = Basename of current directory
  • \d = Current date
  • \n = Newline
  • ...

According to these source, this command:

PS1="\u:\w\$ "

should lead to following prompt:


It seems the variables have changed and so did the character from \ to %. And unfortunately I can not find any information about the new variables.

Does anybody know more about it or has a link to an explanation?

CodePudding user response:

You're using zsh, not bash. Description of prompt sequences is explained in zshmisc(1) (type man 1 zshmisc too see it). For reference, it says:

   %n     $USERNAME.
   %m     The hostname up to the first `.'.  An integer may follow the `%'
          to  specify  how  many  components  of the hostname are desired.
          With a negative integer, trailing components of the hostname are
   %~     As  %d  and %/, but if the current working directory starts with
          $HOME, that part is replaced by a `~'. Furthermore, if it has  a
          named  directory  as  its prefix, that part is replaced by a `~'
          followed by the name of the directory, but only if the result is
          shorter  than the full path; see Dynamic and Static named direc‐
          tories in zshexpn(1).
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