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Mariadb problem


Amend the database driver to mariadb recently, the system can run, but you can't login, framework is SSM
Modify the drive
JDBC. DriverClassName=org. Mariadb. JDBC. Driver
The JDBC url=JDBC: mariadb: aurora://* * * * * * * * * *? UseAffectedRows=true& characterEncoding=UTF-8& ZeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull

Introducing rely on

Org. Mariadb. Jdbc
Mariadb - Java - client
2.6.2 & lt;/version>

Error message
The 2020-09-25 15:20:02. 410 [HTTP - bio - 7080 - exec - 1] ERROR com. Daxia. System. Web. Controller. Abnormal PortalController - login
Java. Lang. RuntimeException: org. Springframework. JDBC. UncategorizedSQLException:
# # # Error updating the database. Cause: Java, SQL. SQLException: org. Mariadb.. JDBC Driver
# # # Cause: Java. SQL. SQLException: org. Mariadb.. JDBC Driver
; Uncategorized SQLException for SQL []; SQL state (null), The error code [0]. . Org. Mariadb. JDBC Driver; Nested exception is Java. SQL. SQLException: org. Mariadb.. JDBC Driver
At com. Daxia. Sharding. SqlSession. DBSqlSessionTemplate. ExecuteInConcurrency (DBSqlSessionTemplate. Java: 530) ~ [framework - sharding - 1.1.7. Jar:?]
At com. Daxia. Sharding. SqlSession. DBSqlSessionTemplate. ExecuteInConcurrency (DBSqlSessionTemplate. Java: 452) ~ [framework - sharding - 1.1.7. Jar:?]
At com. Daxia. Sharding. SqlSession. DBSqlSessionTemplate. ExecuteInConcurrency (DBSqlSessionTemplate. Java: 539) ~ [framework - sharding - 1.1.7. Jar:?]
At com. Daxia. Sharding. SqlSession. DBSqlSessionTemplate. Insert (DBSqlSessionTemplate. Java: 329) ~ [framework - sharding - 1.1.7. Jar:?]
At com. Daxia. Framework. Dao. DaoProxy. Execute (DaoProxy. Java: 75) ~ [framework - dao - 1.1.7. Jar:?]
At com. Daxia. Framework. Dao. DaoProxy. Invoke (DaoProxy. Java: 47) ~ [framework - dao - 1.1.7. Jar:?]
At com. Daxia. System. The user $Proxy119. InsertLoginLog (Unknown Source) ~/:?
At com. Daxia. System. User. UserServiceImpl. Login (UserServiceImpl. Java: 116) ~ [system - core - 1.1.7 - the SNAPSHOT. Jar:?]
At com. Daxia. System. User. UserServiceImpl $$FastClassByCGLIB $$91 d0e11e. Invoke (& lt; Generated>) ~ [spring - core - 3.2.0. RELEASE. The jar:?]
The at org. Springframework. Additional. Proxy. MethodProxy. Invoke (MethodProxy. Java: 204) ~ [spring - core - 3.2.0. The jar: 3.2.0. RELEASE]
At org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. CglibAopProxy $CglibMethodInvocation. InvokeJoinpoint (CglibAopProxy. Java: 698) ~ [spring aop -- 3.2.0. The jar: 3.2.0. RELEASE]
At org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Proceed (ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Java: 150) ~ [spring aop -- 3.2.0. The jar: 3.2.0. RELEASE]
At org. Springframework. Aop. Interceptor. ExposeInvocationInterceptor. Invoke (ExposeInvocationInterceptor. Java: 90) ~ [spring aop -- 3.2.0. The jar: 3.2.0. RELEASE]
At org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Proceed (ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Java: 172) ~ [spring aop -- 3.2.0. The jar: 3.2.0. RELEASE]
At org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. CglibAopProxy $DynamicAdvisedInterceptor. Intercept (CglibAopProxy. Java: 631) ~ [spring aop -- 3.2.0. The jar: 3.2.0. RELEASE]
At com. Daxia. System. User. UserServiceImpl $$EnhancerByCGLIB $$411 cf276. Login (& lt; Generated>) ~ [spring - core - 3.2.0. RELEASE. The jar:?]
At com. Daxia. System. Web. Controller. PortalController. The doLogin (PortalController. Java: 169) [system - web - 1.1.7 - the SNAPSHOT - classes. The jar:?]
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method) ~ [? : 1.7.0 _80]
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 57) ~ [? : 1.7.0 _80]
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java: ~ [? : 1.7.0 _80]
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (606) Method. The Java: ~ [? : 1.7.0 _80]
The at org. Springframework. Web. Method. Support. InvocableHandlerMethod. Invoke (InvocableHandlerMethod. Java: 219) [spring - web - 3.2.0. The jar: 3.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Web. Method. Support. InvocableHandlerMethod. InvokeForRequest (InvocableHandlerMethod. Java: 132) [spring - web - 3.2.0. The jar: 3.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Web. Servlet. MVC) method. The annotation. ServletInvocableHandlerMethod. InvokeAndHandle (ServletInvocableHandlerMethod. Java: 104) [spring - webmvc - 3.2.0. The jar: 3.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Web. Servlet. MVC) method. The annotation. RequestMappingHandlerAdapter. InvokeHandleMethod (RequestMappingHandlerAdapter. Java: 746) [spring - webmvc - 3.2.0. The jar: 3.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Web. Servlet. MVC) method. The annotation. RequestMappingHandlerAdapter. HandleInternal (RequestMappingHandlerAdapter. Java: 687) [spring - webmvc - 3.2.0. The jar: 3.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Web. Servlet. MVC. Method. AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter. Handle (AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter. Java: 80) [spring - webmvc - 3.2.0. The jar: 3.2.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Web. Servlet. DispatcherServlet. DoDispatch (DispatcherServlet. Java: 925) [spring - webmvc - 3.2.0. The jar: 3.2.0. RELEASE]
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