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This works on one account but not another. What could cause this?


These functions run individually, createSchdMedEvents and createUrgentMedEvents run when a form is submitted. The third createEvent function is set to run when a ui element is clicked. Everything seems to be working fine on my own Google account. But, when I put the code into the duplicate spreadsheet associated with my work account, it doesn't create the events in the Google calendar.

//Function to submit sheet data to Calendar Event

const eventDuration = 3;
const calendarTrans = CalendarApp.getCalendarById("[email protected]");
const calendarMedical = CalendarApp.getCalendarById('[email protected]');

//Function to create Urgent Care entry to Medical Calendar
function createUrgentMedEvents() {
  const ws = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();//
  const ss = ws.getActiveSheet();

  for (var i = 2; i <= ss.getLastRow(); i  ) {
    const created2 = ss.getRange(i, 4).getValue();
    const schdMed = ss.getRange(i,15).getValue();
    if (created2 == "Urgent Care"){
      //const schdMed = ss.getRange(i, 15).getValue();
      const eventName = ss.getRange(i, 4).getValue(); // Title
      const location = ss.getRange(i, 8).getValue(); // Destination
      const rider = ss.getRange(i, 3).getValue(); // Rider
      const date = ss.getRange(i, 9).getValue(); // Ride Date and Departure time
      const apptTime = ss.getRange(i, 10).getValue(); // Appointment Time
      const returnTime = ss.getRange(i, 11).getValue(); // Return Time (Depart Location to return to WH)
      const hoursMinutes = date.getHours()   ':'   date.getMinutes(); // Time of departure for Description Text
      const phone = ss.getRange(i, 7).getValue(); //Phone Number
      var startingDate = new Date(date) 
      var endingDate = new Date(date)
      endingDate.setHours(startingDate.getHours()   eventDuration)

      calendarMedical.createEvent('Driver ?, '   rider   ' '   eventName   ', Depart WH @' hoursMinutes, startingDate, endingDate, { location: location, description: 'Driver:\n \nRider:\n'   rider   ', '   phone   '\n'   '\nDepart WH@ '   hoursMinutes   '\nAppointment Time: '   apptTime   '\nDepart Appointment @ '   returnTime })

      ss.getRange(i, 15).setValue("Medical Created")
  else if(schdMed == "Medical Created")


//Function for Scheduled Medical Event to Medical Calendar
function createSchdMedEvents() {
  const ws = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();//
  const ss = ws.getActiveSheet();

  for (var i = 2; i <= ss.getLastRow(); i  ) {
    const created2 = ss.getRange(i, 4).getValue();
    const schdMed = ss.getRange(i,15).getValue();

    if (created2 == "Scheduled Medical") {
      //const schdMed = ss.getRange(i, 15).getValue();
      const eventName = ss.getRange(i, 4).getValue(); // Title
      const location = ss.getRange(i, 8).getValue(); // Destination
      const rider = ss.getRange(i, 3).getValue(); // Rider
      const date = ss.getRange(i, 9).getValue(); // Ride Date and Departure time
      const apptTime = ss.getRange(i, 10).getValue(); //Appointment Time
      const returnTime = ss.getRange(i, 11).getValue(); //Return Time (Depart Location to return to WH)
      const hoursMinutes = date.getHours()   ':'   date.getMinutes(); // Time of departure for Description Text
      const phone = ss.getRange(i, 7).getValue(); //Phone Number
      var startingDate = new Date(date) 
      var endingDate = new Date(date)
      endingDate.setHours(startingDate.getHours()   eventDuration)

      calendarMedical.createEvent('Driver ?, '   rider   ' '   eventName   ', Depart WH @' hoursMinutes, startingDate, endingDate, { location: location, description: 'Driver:\n \nRider:\n'   rider   ', '   phone   '\n'   '\nDepart WH @'   hoursMinutes   '\nAppointment Time: '   apptTime   '\nDepart Appointment @'   returnTime })

      ss.getRange(i, 15).setValue("Medical Created")

  else if (schdMed == "Medical Created")


//Function to create General Transportation Event in Passenger Van Calendar
function createTransportationEvents() {
  const ws = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();//
  const ss = ws.getActiveSheet();
  for (var i = 2; i <= ss.getLastRow(); i  ) {
    const created1 = ss.getRange(i, 14).getValue();
    const created2 = ss.getRange(i, 4).getValue();

    if (created1 != "Event Created") {
      const eventName = ss.getRange(i, 4).getValue(); // Title
      const location = ss.getRange(i, 8).getValue(); // Destination
      const rider = ss.getRange(i, 3).getValue(); // Rider
      const date = ss.getRange(i, 9).getValue(); // Ride Date and Departure time
      const apptTime = ss.getRange(i, 10).getValue(); //Appointment Time
      const returnTime = ss.getRange(i, 11).getValue(); //Return Time (Depart Location to return to WH)
      const hoursMinutes = date.getHours()   ':'   date.getMinutes(); // Time of departure for Description Text
      const phone = ss.getRange(i, 7).getValue(); //Phone Number
      var startingDate = new Date(date)
      var endingDate = new Date(date)
      endingDate.setHours(startingDate.getHours()   eventDuration)

      calendarTrans.createEvent('Driver ?, '   rider   ' '   eventName   ', Depart WH @' hoursMinutes, startingDate, endingDate, { location: location, description: 'Driver:\n \nRider:\n'   rider   ', '   phone   '\n'   '\nDepart WH @'   hoursMinutes   '\nAppointment Time: '   apptTime   '\nDepart Appointment/Lesson: @'   returnTime })

      ss.getRange(i, 14).setValue("Event Created")


// Create a Button to schedule events
function onOpen() {
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
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