A project with UniDAC before, now change to FIreDac, encounter a problem,
When using FDQuery, such as
Qry1. SQL. Append (' select KeyId as identifier, the userName as the user name from tablename ');
Qry1. Open;
In the corresponding Grid edit or use statement
Qry1. FieldByName (' id '). AsInteger:=100;
Modification, in the preservation of SQL Server will throw an invalid column 'identity' exception, use used to monitor trace statements, found FireDac update when using a similar update table set id=100 where id=1 such statement updated,
Is this what is the solution?
CodePudding user response:
RecommendFDQuery1. SQL. Text:='select KeyId, userName from tablename';
FDQuery1. FieldByName (' KeyId). DisplayLabel:='identity;//DisplayName; DisplayText
FDQuery1. FieldByName (" userName "). DisplayLabel:='user name';
CodePudding user response:
Xe8 up1 out? Give a linkCodePudding user response:
I also met this problem, such as masterCodePudding user response:
Database is not the field "identity", must make a mistake, not AS such try first, may be a bug