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Making an endless wave spawner that spawns harder enemies over time in Unity


I copied Brackey's tutorial in order to make an enemy spawner for my fps game, but something I am struggling with is making it so that over time new enemy variants spawn, and they have they're own locations. I think I understand how I could make more of one enemy type spawn over time, but how could I make it so that each enemy kind has they're own spawning amounts and locations?

Here is my code:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class WaveSpawner : MonoBehaviour

    public enum SpawnState { SPAWNING, WAITING, COUNTING};

    public class Wave
        public string name;
        public Transform[] enemy;
        public int count;
        public float rate;
    public Wave[] waves;
    int nextWave = 0;

    public Transform[] spawnPoints;

    public float timeBetweenWaves = 5f;
    float waveCountDown;

    float searchCountDown = 1f;

    SpawnState state = SpawnState.COUNTING;

    void Start()
        waveCountDown = timeBetweenWaves;
        if (spawnPoints.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogError("You forgot to put in spawnpoint, idiots");

    void Update ()

        if (state == SpawnState.WAITING)
            if (!EnemyIsAlive())

        if (waveCountDown <= 0)
            if (state != SpawnState.SPAWNING)
                StartCoroutine( SpawnWave ( waves[nextWave] ) );
            waveCountDown -= Time.deltaTime;

    void WaveCompleted()
        Debug.Log("Wave Completed");

        state = SpawnState.COUNTING;
        waveCountDown = timeBetweenWaves;

        if (nextWave   1 > waves.Length - 1)
            // Implemnt some sorta multiplier here to make it harder over time
            nextWave = 0;
            Debug.Log("ALL WAVES COMPLETE! Looping...");
            nextWave  ;



    bool EnemyIsAlive()
        searchCountDown -= Time.deltaTime;
        if (searchCountDown <= 0)
            searchCountDown = 1f;   
            if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Enemy") == null)
             return false;
        return true;

    IEnumerator SpawnWave (Wave _wave)
        Debug.Log("Spawn Wave:"   _wave.name);
        state = SpawnState.SPAWNING;

        for (int i = 0; i < _wave.count; i  )
            yield return new WaitForSeconds( 1f/_wave.rate); 

        state = SpawnState.WAITING;

        yield break;

    void SpawnEnemy (Transform _enemy)
        Debug.Log("Spawning Enemy: "   _enemy.name);

        Transform _sp = spawnPoints[ Random.Range (0, spawnPoints.Length) ];
        Instantiate (_enemy, _sp.position, _sp.rotation);

Should I just make a new wavespawner script for each new enemy type? I'm considering it but I imagine that would be quite taxing. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

CodePudding user response:

You can create different scriptable objects for different enemies and set values for them like this:

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Enemy", menuName = "Enemy")]
public class EnemyData : ScriptableObject
    public int Health;
    public int Damage;
    public List<Transform> SpawnPoints;

then, create different enemy prefabs and set each enemy a data:

public class Enemy : Monobehavior
    public EnemyData data;

and set enemy on each wave:

public class Wave
    public string name;
    public Enemy[] enemy;
    public int count;
    public float rate;

then on spawn function, instead of using your spawn points, use spawn points in data object:

void SpawnEnemy (Enemy _enemy)
    Debug.Log("Spawning Enemy: "   _enemy.name);

    Transform _sp = _enemy.SpawnPoints[ Random.Range (0, _enemy.SpawnPoints.Length) ];
    Instantiate (_enemy, _sp.position, _sp.rotation);

I hope this brings an idea for you.

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