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On what side of the line of how to judge


On what side of the line of how to judge?

CodePudding user response:

Find that point recently, according to the origin and the point recently a sine value, according to the origin and the point that you point a sine value, and then compare

CodePudding user response:

1, line charts are made by the worksheet of x, y array,
2, by the origin (x1, y1) x1 value, in the array of the worksheet, found that point vertical line and the line intersection point, the corresponding work table on the left side of the nearest point (xl, y |) and the nearest point on the right (xR, yR),
3, from the above two points, it is concluded that the line of the midpoint (x0, y0) value,
4, y1 & gt; Y0 points above the line, y1=y0 point on the line, y1 & lt; Y0 beneath the point on the line,

CodePudding user response:

Can you point in detail? Such as line is S type, then, any point is given, and judgment on what side of the s-shaped line of this point

CodePudding user response:

Can according to the above line to create a Region, judging PtInRegion have not suddenly come out?

CodePudding user response:

This is the problem of analytic geometry, the same is true of S curve, according to my method, mathematical model is set up, can solve,

CodePudding user response:

Here is whether a point in a polygon code, with IndexOfPolygon,
X: double;
Y: double;
TPointList=Array of TPointX;

Indx: Byte;
PCount: Word;
P: TPointList;

Pt1: TPointX;
Pt2: TPointX;

The function Multiply (const p1, p2, p0: TPointX) : Double;
The function IsOnline (P: TPointX; The Line: TLineSegment) : Boolean;
The function InPolygon (const PolygonInfo: TPolygonInfo; P: TPointX) : Integer;
The function intersects (const L1 and L2: TLineSegment) : Boolean;

INFINITY e10=1.5;
ESP=1.5 e-5;
The function Multiply (const p1, p2, p0: TPointX) : Double;
The begin
Result:=((p1) X-ray p0) x) * (p2) y - p0) y) - (p2) X-ray p0) x) * (p1) y - p0) y));

//determine whether line segment contains some point

The function IsOnline (P: TPointX; The Line: TLineSegment) : Boolean;
The begin
Result:=((Abs (Multiply (Line. Pt1, Line pt2, P)) & lt; ESP) and
((P.x - Line. Pt1. X) * (P.x - Line. Pt2. X) & lt;=0) and
((P.y - line. Pt1. Y) * (P.y - line. Pt2. Y) & lt;=0));

//determine point in polygon
The function InPolygon (const PolygonInfo: TPolygonInfo; P: TPointX) : Integer;
N: Integer;
I, the count: Integer;
Side of the Line: TLineSegment;
The begin

//int n=polygon. The size ();
N:=PolygonInfo. PCount;

Line. Pt1:=P;
Line. Pt2. : y=P.y;
Line. Pt2. : x=- INFINITY;

Do the for I:=0 to n - 1
The begin

//get a side of the polygon

Side. Pt1:=PolygonInfo. P [I];
Side. Pt2:=PolygonInfo. P [(I + 1) mod N];
If IsOnline (P, side) then
The begin

//if the side parallel x don't consider to

If (Abs (side. Pt1. Y - side. Pt2. Y) & lt; ESP) then
The begin

If IsOnline (side. Pt1, line) then
The begin
If (side. Pt1. Y & gt; Side. Pt2. Y) then
Inc (Count);
The else
If IsOnline (side. Pt2, line) then
The begin
If (side. Pt2. Y & gt; Side. Pt1. Y) then
Inc (Count)
The else
If intersects (line, side) then
The begin
Inc (count);
If (count mod 2)=1 then
The else

//determine line segment intersection

The function intersects (const L1 and L2: TLineSegment) : Boolean;
The begin

Result:=((Max (L1. Pt1. X, L1. Pt2. X) & gt;=min (L2) pt1) x, L2. Pt2. X)) and
(Max (L2) pt1) x, L2. Pt2. X) & gt;=min (L1. Pt1. X, L1. Pt2. X)) and
(Max (L1. Pt1. J y, L1. Pt2. Y) & gt;=min (L2) pt1) y, L2. Pt2. Y)) and
(Max (L2) pt1) y, L2. Pt2. Y) & gt;=min (L1. Pt1. J y, L1. Pt2. Y)) and
(Multiply (L2) pt1, L1. Pt2, L1. Pt1) * Multiply (L1. Pt2, L2. Pt2, L1 pt1) & gt;=0) and
(Multiply (L1) pt1, L2. Pt2, L2. The pt1) * Multiply (L2. Pt2, L1. Pt2, L2 pt1) & gt;=0));


The function IndexOfPolygon (const APoint: TPointX; Const AreaInfoList: TPolygonInfoList) : Boolean;
The begin
Flag:=InPolygon (AreaInfoList,; APoint) : Integer;
If Flag<=1 then
The begin

CodePudding user response:

1, line charts are made by the worksheet of x, y array,
2, by the origin (x1, y1) x1 value, in the array of the worksheet, found that point vertical line and the line intersection point, the corresponding work table on the left side of the nearest point (xl, y |) and the nearest point on the right (xR, yR),
3, from the above two points, it is concluded that the line of the midpoint (x0, y0) value,
4, y1 & gt; Y0 points above the line, y1=y0 point on the line, y1 & lt; Y0 beneath the point on the line,

Didn't quite understand

CodePudding user response:

To take to the first line array in recent distance of the line segment, then use vector cross product judgment came out

CodePudding user response:

To take to the first line array in recent distance of the line segment, then use vector cross product to judge came out
The vertical distance is to point to the line?

CodePudding user response:

references 9 f ZWS response:
to take to the first line array in recent distance of the line segment, then use vector cross product to judge came out
The vertical distance is to point to the line?

If the line is not the result of closed lax, can only roughly judgement,
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