Home > Back-end >  The pit of the RabbitMQ on Windows! After installation, service cannot be started. How to break? Tel
The pit of the RabbitMQ on Windows! After installation, service cannot be started. How to break? Tel


[[has just about ruled out problems below]]
1. The Chinese computer name
2. Chinese installation path or a path with Spaces
3. To uninstall reshipment, but with the registry and services delete clean to reinstall
4. Version without conflict rabbitmq3.8.3 erlang22.3
5. The rabbitmq - plugins enable rabbitmq_management execution success ok
6. Erlang and rabbitmq system variables with the

The problem is, the service not ahhh
The menu bar, right-click the rabbitmq server start showing "service name is invalid
"Inside a computer service also can not find the Rabbitmq this service
How to solve?? Have a day and a night didn't do well
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