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Django and Pandas - Create an object from a Foreying Key field


I am trying to create objects importing data from an excel with pandas, than creating objects with django.

But i am geting this error message:

Name: ticker, dtype: object
Asset matching query does not exist.
Asset matching query does not exist.
Asset matching query does not exist.

My Models

class Asset(models.Model):
    ticker = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)

class Transaction(models.Model):
    id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
    OrderChoices = (
        ('Buy', 'Buy'),
        ('Sell', 'Sell'),
    date =  models.DateField(("Date"), default=date.today)
    order = models.CharField(max_length = 8, choices = OrderChoices) 
    asset = models.ForeignKey(Asset, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=1)
    shares_amount = models.FloatField()
    share_cost = models.FloatField()

And here is my updater file code:

class Command(BaseCommand):

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        excel_file = "orders.xlsx"
        df_2 = pd.read_excel(excel_file)
        df_2 = df_2[['Date(UTC)','Pair', 'Type', 'Order Amount', 'AvgTrading Price']]
        df_2.columns = ['date', 'ticker', 'order', 'shares_amount','share_cost']
        df_2['date'] = df_2['date'].str[:9]
        df_2['ticker'] = df_2['ticker'].str.replace('USDT', '')
        df_2['order'] = df_2['order'].str.replace('BUY', 'Buy')
        for index, row in df_2.iterrows():
                    date =  datetime.date.today(),
                    order = df_2['order'] ,
                    asset = Asset.objects.get(ticker = df_2['ticker']),
                    shares_amount = df_2['shares_amount'],
                    share_cost_brl = df_2['share_cost'],
            except Exception as e:
                print(f' Key Exception - {e}')

When i try to print(df_2['ticker']), i get as result a list with id(from pandas index) and ticker

0     BNB
1    LINK
2     XMR
3     DOT
4    AVAX
5    LUNA
6     SOL
7     ETH
8     BTC

i just added to the code to get the list of assets

queryset = Asset.objects.values_list("ticker")
df = pd.DataFrame(list(queryset), columns=["ticker"]) 

the result:

0     XRP
1     XMR
2     VET
3    USDT
4     STX
5     SOL
17    ETH
18    DOT
19    CRO
20    BTC
21    BNB
22   AVAX
23   ATOM
24    ADA
25   AAVE
26  1INCH

CodePudding user response:

I'm not familiar with Pandas, but for asset = Asset.objects.get(ticker = df_2['asset']), to work you need to access single ticker value out of it.

I guess it will be something like:

 asset = Asset.objects.get(ticker=df_2[row_idx]['column_name'])

for example:

asset = Asset.objects.get(ticker=df_2[0]['asset'])

CodePudding user response:

Found the error, it was how to get the single value of the field, instead of using df_2['field'] was getting the index and field, to get only the field without index i should use df_2.loc[index]['field']

Also i did some workaround to get the asset_id instead of asset

How it get in the end:

for index, row in df_2.iterrows():
                    date =  datetime.date.today(),
                    order = df_2.loc[index]['order'] ,
                    asset_id = df_3.loc[index]['id'],
                    shares_amount = df_2.loc[index]['shares_amount'],
                    share_cost_brl = df_2.loc[index]['share_cost_usd'],
            except Exception as e:
                print(f' Key Exception - {e}')

And here is the workaround to get the id, don`t know if is the best solution, but i decided to go this way to make object creation more simple:

# changed the index of df_2
df_2['order'] = df_2['order'].str.replace('BUY', 'Buy')
df_2 = df_2.set_index('ticker')

# got the assets from the django app with id, set the ticker as index also and merged both tables using the ticker as index
queryset = Asset.objects.values_list('id', "ticker")
df = pd.DataFrame(list(queryset), columns=['id',"ticker"]) 
df = df.set_index('ticker')
# print(df)
df_3 = df_2.merge(df, left_on="ticker",right_on="ticker",how='inner').set_axis(df_2.index)

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