{Private declarations}
{Public declarations}
OrderSQL: string;
SVirtualSQL, ListSQL, MasterSQL GroupSQL, MainSQL: String;
Procedure SetMasterSQL (SQL: String);
SQL: procedure SetSQL (String);
Procedure SetDetailSQL (SQL: String);
Procedure SetState (Value: Boolean);
Procedure SetQryOrderSQL (SQL: String);
PP_SamplePlanFrm: TPP_SamplePlanFrm;
DepartMent: string;
USES UntWaxConst;
{$R *. DFM}
The function CreateBplForm (ParamList: TStrings) : TForm;
The begin
DepartMent:=ParamList. Values [' DepartMent '];
PP_SamplePlanFrm:=TPP_SamplePlanFrm. Create (Application);
Procedure TPP_SamplePlanFrm. BtnExitClick (Sender: TObject);
The begin
The Close;
Procedure TPP_SamplePlanFrm. FormShow (Sender: TObject);
Var StrA: string;
The begin
OrderSQL:='Select Distinct Keith SaleOrderNo from SD_ProdNote_D H' +
'Left Join dbo. SD_ProdNote_M I On I.G uid=H.S D_ProdNote_MGuid' +
'Left Join dbo. SD_Order_D J On J.G uid=i. D_Order_DGuid' +
'Left Join dbo. SD_Order_M K On K.G uid=J.S D_Order_MGuid' +
'Where 1=1 +
'Order by Keith SaleOrderNo Desc';
If the Trim (DepartMent) & lt;> "' then
The begin
StrA:='Select sEmployeeID sEmployeeName, sDeptID from BD_Person A' +
'Where sUpdateStatus<>='+' 'delete' and sDeptID QuotedStr (DepartMent);
QryUser. SQL. Text:=strA;
LpkUser. SQL. Text:=strA;
LpkUser. SearchSQL. Text:=StrA;
QryUser. Open;
ListSQL:='Select A. *, D.s CustCode, D.s CustName' +
'the From PP_LabDye_M A' +
'Left Join SD_Customer D On D.G uid=A.S D_CustomerGUID';
MasterSQL:='Select D.s CustCode, D.s CustName, B.s CustFab, B.d Date, B.G UID' +
'the From PP_LabDye_D A' +
'Left Join PP_LabDye_M B On B.G uid=a. d. SampMGUID' +
'Left Join SD_Customer D On D.G uid=B.S D_CustomerGUID';
GroupSQL:='Group By D.s CustCode, D.s CustName, B.s CustFab, B.d Date, B.G UID';
MainSQL:='Select A. *, C.d Date, C.f QuanControll As MfQuanControll, E.s EmployeeName, E1. SEmployeeName As EmployeeName, G.s SysDataName' +
'As sCup, F.s SysDataName As sSeason, c.s. CustFab, c.s. SampleNO, D.s CustName' +
'the From PP_LabDye_D A' +
Be sad uid=chtistina georgina rossetti.british poetess 'Left join PP_LabDye_M C On a. d. SampMGUID' +
'Left join SD_Customer D On D.g c.s. D_CustomerGUID uid=' +
'Left join BD_Person E On E.s EmployeeID=A.s UserID' +
'Left join BD_Person E1 On E1. SEmployeeID=A.s InputManID' +
'Left Join SysDataList G On G.s SysDataGroupId=', '3008', 'And G.s SysDataId=A.s CupID' +
'Left Join SysDataList F On F.s SysDataGroupId=', '1009', 'And F.s SysDataId=A.s SeasonID' +
'Order by a. d. InputDate Desc';
SVirtualSQL:='union' +
'the Select D.s CustCode, D.s CustName, B.s CustFab, B.d Date, B.G UID' +
'the From PP_LabDye_D A' +
'Left Join PP_LabDye_M B On B.G uid=a. d. SampMGUID' +
'Left Join SD_Customer D On D.G uid=B.S D_CustomerGUID' +
'where sVirtual=' '; 'y'
QryDifficulty. Connection:=the Self. The Connection;
QryDifficulty. Open;
Procedure TPP_SamplePlanFrm. LpkCustomerLookUpPost (Sender: TObject);
The begin
SetMasterSQL (MakeSQL (MasterSQL, 'D.s CustCode=' + QuotedStr (lpkCustomer. Values [' sCustCode '])) + GroupSQL);
If qryMaster. IsEmpty then
The begin
SetSQL (MakeSQL (ListSQL, '1=2'));
SetDetailSQL (MakeSQL (MainSQL, '1=2'));
He defines several SQL in front and in the late part of the statement in red, what is the meaning of this? And if rewritten in c #, this code should be how to rewrite,,, please everyone a great god gives directions, I am a new guy
CodePudding user response:
Nothing in particular, the beginning MasterSQL first to attach the value, and then click, call a method, seemingly filter, filtering based on certain conditions, is the result of the query in MasterSQL statements out of the filterCodePudding user response: