See code below ##If user inputs 0 or a100 or non-numeric value for temp, I need to display "Error: You must enter a numeric Value!" Write-host $("Error: You must enter a numeric Value!") ## then goes back to start ##im guessing if ($value isnot [int]) or something like that for it to work. thank you. ##Error I get without proper coding......What is the temperature in Fahrenheit: a111 ##Cannot convert value "a111" to type "System. Single". Error: "Input string was not in a ##correct format."
Write-Host $("Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter")
Write-Host $("Script Written By Jesse ")
$value = (Read-Host("What is the temperature in Fahrenheit"))
$fahr = (($value -32) /9) *5
Write-Host $("Fahrenheit", $value, "is equal to Celsius:", [Math]::Round($fahr,3))
$input = (Read-Host("Do you want to convert another Fahrenheit value? (1 = yes, 0 = no)?"))
Write-Host ("="*31)
while ($input)
if ($input -eq 1)
Write-Host $("Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter")
Write-Host $("Script Written By Jesse Nieto ")
Write-Host ("="*31)
$value = (Read-Host("What is the temperature in Fahrenheit"))
$fahr = (($value -32) /9) *5
Write-Host $("Fahrenheit", $value ,"is equal to Celsius:" ,[Math]::Round($fahr,3))
$input = (Read-Host("Do you want to convert another Fahrenheit value? (1 = yes, 0 = no)?"))
elseif ($input -eq 0)
Write-Host $("Thank You. Bye! ")
Write-Host $("Please enter a valid option! ")
$input = (Read-Host ("Do you want to convert another Fahrenheit value? (1 = yes, 0 = no)?"))
Write-Host ("="*31)
CodePudding user response:
There is much redundant code on your script which could be simplified, the biggest issue is the use of $input
which is an automatic variable and should not be assigned manually. As for the formula to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius, you could use a function for that, as aside, according to Google, the formula should be (X − 32) × 5 / 9
though I'm not an expert on this, feel free to change for whatever you like.
function ConvertTo-Celsius {
($value - 32) * 5 / 9
:outer while($true) {
$value = Read-Host "What is the temperature in Fahrenheit"
try {
$celsius = ConvertTo-Celsius $value
catch {
# If input was invalid restart the loop
Write-Host "Invalid input, only integers allowed!"
Write-Host "Fahrenheit $value°F is equal to $([math]::Round($celsius, 3))°C"
do {
$shouldExit = Read-Host "Do you want to convert another Fahrenheit value? (1 = yes, 0 = no)?"
switch($shouldExit) {
0 {
Write-Host "Thank You. Bye!"
break outer
1 { continue }
Default { Write-Host "Please enter a valid option!" }
} until($shouldExit -eq 1)