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OPENCV open camera problems


My is Windows 7 64 - bit, configuration is VS2010 + OPENCV2.4.9 program code is as follows:
# include & lt; Opencv2/opencv. Hpp>
Using the namespace CV;

Int main ()
//VideoCapture capture (" F: \ \ video \ \ 1. Avi ");//read video
VideoCapture capture (0);//read camera
While (1)
Mat frame;
Capture> Frame;

Imshow (" readvideo, "frame);

WaitKey (30);

return 0;

Run to imshow function will appear when the error

I am a novice, just to learn, to get to the Internet to find a lot of methods, including waitKey time instead of what, all useless, have a great god know what's the problem,

CodePudding user response:

I have just a piece of code, for your reference,
Void ThreadFunction (void * Param)

_this FacePhoto *=Param (FacePhoto *);
Frame IplImage * and * frame_copy=0;

Cascade=(CvHaarClassifierCascade *) cvLoad (" haarcascade_frontalface_alt. XML ", 0, 0, 0).
if( ! Cascade)
Eye_cascade=(CvHaarClassifierCascade *) cvLoad (" haarcascade_eye. XML ", 0, 0).
if(! Eye_cascade)

Storage=cvCreateMemStorage (0);
CvCapture * capture=cvCaptureFromCAM (0);
Int rw=cvSetCaptureProperty (the capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1920);
Int rh=cvSetCaptureProperty (the capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 1080);

If (capture)
_this - & gt; ThreadExit=false;

while(! _this - & gt; ThreadTerminated ())

If (_this - & gt; IfTakePhotoPaused ())
if( ! CvGrabFrame (capture))
Frame=cvRetrieveFrame (capture);//from cameras capture a frame image
if( ! Frame)
if( ! Frame_copy)
Frame_copy=cvCreateImage (cvSize (frame - & gt; Width, frame - & gt; Height),
IPL_DEPTH_8U, frame - & gt; NChannels);
If (frame - & gt; Origin==IPL_ORIGIN_TL)
CvCopy (frame, frame_copy, 0);
The else
CvFlip (frame, frame_copy, 0);

//gWaitCount + +;
_this - & gt; DetectAndDraw (frame_copy);

CvReleaseImage (& amp; Frame_copy);


CvReleaseCapture (& amp; The capture);
_this - & gt; ThreadExit=true;
CvReleaseMemStorage (& amp; Storage);
CvReleaseHaarClassifierCascade (& amp; Cascade);
CvReleaseHaarClassifierCascade (& amp; Eye_cascade);

G_event. SetEvent ();
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