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How to extract the show of things and the source code is the same address of data.


If this http://hq.sinajs.cn/list=sh601006
Open display: var hq_str_sh601006="daqin railway, 11.22, 11.32, 11.32, 11.52, 10.52, 11.32, 11.33, 178528802198413 539409952,11.32, 11500,11.31, 26500,11.30, 11200,11.29, 790172,11.28, 117250,11.33, 312356,11.34, 269900,11.35, 102250,11.36, 144500,11.37, 2015-07-15, 15:03:04, 00";

Source: var hq_str_sh601006="daqin railway, 11.22, 11.32, 11.32, 11.52, 10.52, 11.32, 11.33, 178528802198413, 539409952,11.32, 11500,11.31, 26500,11.30, 11200,11.29, 790172,11.28, 117250,11.33, 312356,11.34, 269900,11.35, 102250,11.36, 144500,11.37, 2015-07-15, 15:03:04, 00";

Source code and open is the same with web,
This is a stock data, I want to extract,
I use the following code to extract source code display NULL
Public static void main (String [] args) {

String strUrl="http://hq.sinajs.cn/list=sh601006";
Try {
//create a url object to point to the site link in brackets () loading is the path of the web site links
//more can see http://wenku.baidu.com/view/8186caf4f61fb7360b4c6547.html
URL the URL=new URL (strUrl);
//InputStreamReader is an input stream reader used to read bytes into characters
//more can see http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_44a05959010004il.html
InputStreamReader isr=new InputStreamReader (url. OpenStream (),
"Utf-8");//unified use utf-8 mode
//'re using the BufferedReader to read InputStreamReader converts characters
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader (isr);
//if the content of the BufferedReader read isn't empty
While (br) readLine ()!=null) {
//print is printed here should be the result of the whole site
System. The out. Println (br) readLine ());
br.close();//read complete closed after the reader
} the catch (IOException e) {
//error if an exception is

Please will great god to give directions

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You are you using Delphi intercept? Extract the string?

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 function TFrmTip. GetGoodData () : Integer; 
ReStr str_1: string;
Idhtp1: TIdHTTP;
LST, lst2: TStringList;
I, nPos: Integer;
The begin
If FUrl="' then the Exit;

Idhtp1:=TIdHTTP. Create (nil);
//'http://hq.sinajs.cn/list=s_sh600302, s_sz002313, s_sz300185'
ReStr:=idhtp1. Get (FUrl);

OutputDebugString (PChar (reStr));

If reStr="' then the Exit;
FList. The Clear ();
//'var hq_str_s_sh600302="standard, 8.86, 0.32, 3.75, 47130416 7"; '
//# $A 'var hq_str_s_sz002313="sea communications, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0, 0"; '
//# $A 'var hq_str_s_sz300185="tong yu heavy industry, 10.240, 0.250, 2.50, 107719109, 74". '# $A
LST:=SplitString (reStr, '; ');
For I:=0 to LST. Do the Count - 1
The begin
NPos:=Pos ('=', LST [I]);
If nPos & lt; & gt; 0 then
The begin
Str_1:=Copy (LST [I], nPos + 2, 100);
//OutputDebugString (PChar (str_1));
Lst2:=SplitString (str_1, ', ');
FList. Add (Copy (lst2 [0], 1, 4) + "+ lst2 [1] + ' '+ lst2 [2]).
FreeAndNil (lst2);
The end;
The end;
FreeAndNil (LST);
Result:=FList. Count;
FreeAndNil (idhtp1);
The end;
If idhtp1 & lt; & gt; Nil then FreeAndNil (idhtp1);
The end;

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