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The first bomb springBoot


1, springBoot description
To simplify the Spring application development
The spring big technology stack integration
J2EE development a one-stop solution
2, the service
Micro service an architectural style
An application should be a group of small service
Can communicate through HTTP
Single application: ALL IN ONE
Description: scale - extension
Function of each element has a class independent eventually replace, can the independent software upgrade unit
SpringBoot shiyong spring Cloud to interconnect each other call
3, the environment is prepared
- jdk1.8
- the idea of
- maven
- SpringBoot 1.5.9 version and need to use the above jdk1.8 version

1, maven Settings
Setup maven setting file add variation Settings jdk1.8

2, the Idea of integrating maven
4, SpringBoot
1, create a maven project
2, the dependence on import springBoot
3, write the main program: start springboot
Psvm idea the main ways to create shortcuts for
5, run the main program tests

6, simplify deployment
A jar package spring 11.5 official document to create an executable jar package
Springboot into jar package configuration

Org. Springframework. Boot

Spring - the boot - maven - plugin
7, hello word explore
1, pom file
Springboot projects rely on a parent
Rely on the parent project marked the reliance of the all related dependent package
The pom file management springboot versions arbitration center
After direct import the jar package does not need to import the version number

Spring - the boot - starter - parent
1.5.10. RELEASE

Create springboot projects relying on the parent project, in the project also rely on a spring - the boot - project dependencies, pom file is as follows:

Spring - the boot - dependencies
1.5.10. RELEASE
./../spring - the boot - dependencies

Enter the project configuration file we can see that springBoot configured for us of the need to rely on package version information
Note: if the introduction of the jar is not springboot arbitration that will need to indicate the version number
2, the import dependence
Spring - the boot - start - web
Spring - the boot - start
Starter springboot scene
Help us to import the web module in accordance with the related
3, springboot starter classification
SpringBoot will all the function of the scene is extracted, starter, words need to be in the project to introduce these starter all rely on imported related scene, just import scene starter,
In the spring - the boot - starters in the project, we can see the following components are (starter)
Spring - the boot - starter
Spring - the boot - starter - activemq
Spring - the boot - starter - amqp
Spring - the boot - starter - aop
Spring - the boot - starter - artemis
Spring - the boot - starter - batch
Spring - the boot - starter - cache
Spring - the boot - starter - cloud - connectors
Spring - the boot - starter - data - cassandra
Spring - the boot - starter - data - couchbase
Spring - the boot - starter - data - elasticsearch
Spring - the boot - starter - data - gemfire
Spring - the boot - starter - data - jpa
Spring - the boot - starter - data - ldap
Spring - the boot - starter - data - mongodb
Spring - the boot - starter - data - secondary & lt;/module>
Spring - the boot - starter - data - redis
Spring - the boot - starter - data - rest
Spring - the boot - starter - data - solr
Spring - the boot - starter - freemarker
Spring - the boot - starter - groovy - templates
Spring - the boot - starter - hateoas
Spring - the boot - starter - integration
Spring - the boot - starter - jdbc
Spring - the boot - starter - jersey
Spring - the boot - starter - jetty
Spring - the boot - starter - jooq
Spring - the boot - starter - jta - atomikos
Spring - the boot - starter - jta - bitronix
Spring - the boot - starter - jta - narayana
Spring - the boot - starter - logging
Spring - the boot - starter - log4j2 & lt;/module>
Spring - the boot - starter - mail
Spring - the boot - starter - mobile
Spring - the boot - starter - mustache
Spring - the boot - starter - actuator
Spring - the boot - starter - parent
Spring - the boot - starter - security
Spring - the boot - starter - social - facebook
Spring - the boot - starter - social - twitter
Spring - the boot - starter - social - linkedin
Spring - the boot - starter - remote - shell
Spring - the boot - starter - test
Spring - the boot - starter - thymeleaf
Spring - the boot - starter - tomcat
Spring - the boot - starter - undertow
Spring - the boot - starter - validation
Spring - the boot - starter - web
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