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Update different fields at same time in same column MySQL


When I try to update the name fields, I get the first result only and in the first row only by following function:


set @id1 := 2591;
set @id2 := 2594;

set @i := @id1;

  @names = 'marwan,wael,adnan,sameh,';

LABEL1: WHILE (Locate(',', @names) > 0) do
  @Name = SUBSTRING(@names, 1, LOCATE(',', @names));

SET @names = SUBSTRING(@names,1, LOCATE(',', @names)-1);
UPDATE employees SET NAME = @Name
  id = @i;

  @i = @i   1;

END WHILE label1;

Attached picture:

enter image description here

What I need is to add all the names sequentially. Anyone know how to solve this problem?

CodePudding user response:

Ignoring the update for now,inserting some debugging selects and using useful tstring functions..

drop procedure if exists p;
delimiter $$
create procedure p()

set @id1 := 2591;
set @id2 := 2594;

set @i := @id1;

SET @names = 'marwan,wael,adnan,sameh,';
select @i,@names,Locate(',', @names);
LABEL1: WHILE @names is not null and 
        @i < @id2 do
SET @Name = SUBSTRING_index(@names, ',',1);
select @i,@names,@name;
SET @names = replace(@names,concat(@name,','),'');
#UPDATE employees SET NAME = @Name
#  id = @i;

 SET  @i = @i   1;

END WHILE label1;
SET @Name = SUBSTRING_index(@names, ',',1);
select 'and finally' ,@i,@names,@name;
end $$

delimiter ;
call p();

 ------ -------------------------- --------------------- 
| @i   | @names                   | Locate(',', @names) |
 ------ -------------------------- --------------------- 
| 2591 | marwan,wael,adnan,sameh, |                   7 |
 ------ -------------------------- --------------------- 
1 row in set (0.003 sec)

 ------ -------------------------- -------- 
| @i   | @names                   | @name  |
 ------ -------------------------- -------- 
| 2591 | marwan,wael,adnan,sameh, | marwan |
 ------ -------------------------- -------- 
1 row in set (0.019 sec)

 ------ ------------------- ------- 
| @i   | @names            | @name |
 ------ ------------------- ------- 
| 2592 | wael,adnan,sameh, | wael  |
 ------ ------------------- ------- 
1 row in set (0.023 sec)

 ------ -------------- ------- 
| @i   | @names       | @name |
 ------ -------------- ------- 
| 2593 | adnan,sameh, | adnan |
 ------ -------------- ------- 
1 row in set (0.030 sec)

 ------------- ------ -------- ------- 
| and finally | @i   | @names | @name |
 ------------- ------ -------- ------- 
| and finally | 2594 | sameh, | sameh |
 ------------- ------ -------- ------- 
1 row in set (0.041 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.048 sec)
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