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VBA iterating over rows of range to create a dictionary of string to array?


I have a excel workbook with the third sheet looks like this:

A        B       C       D        E        F
1        test    test    test     test     test
1        test1   test1   test1    test1    test1
1        test2   test2   test2    test2    test2
2        test    test    test     test     test
3        test    test    test     test     test
4        test    test    test     test     test
5        test    test    test     test     test
6        test    test    test     test     test

And I want to create a dictionary where the first column is the key and the value is a collection of 5 arrays

key: 1
Value: [
    [test1   test1   test1    test1    test1]
    [test2   test2   test2    test2    test2]
    [test   test   test    test    test]
    [""   ""   ""    ""    ""]
    [""   ""   ""    ""    ""]

key: 2
Value: [
    [test   test   test    test    test]
    [""   ""   ""    ""    ""]
    [""   ""   ""    ""    ""]
    [""   ""   ""    ""    ""]
    [""   ""   ""    ""    ""]


I want to store this in a global variable before opening the form so that I can use it in functions like onclick():

Public donationDict As Scripting.Dictionary
Option Explicit
Sub ouvrir()
    Dim constData As Range
    Set constData = Range("thirdSheet!A:F")
    Dim rw As Range
    For Each rw In constData.rows

        If donationDict.Exists(rw(0)) Then
            donationDict(rw(0)).Add New Collection
            donationDict.Add rw(0), New Collection
        End If

    Next rw
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

Try this out:

Option Explicit

Public donationDict As Scripting.Dictionary

Sub ouvrir()
    Dim data As Range, id, ws As Worksheet
    Dim rw As Range, arr(), numArrCols As Long
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("thirdSheet")
    Set data = ws.Range("A1:F" & ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
    Set donationDict = New Scripting.Dictionary
    numArrCols = data.Columns.Count - 1
    ReDim arr(1 To numArrCols) 'empty array
    For Each rw In data.Rows
        id = rw.Cells(1).Value
        If Not donationDict.Exists(id) Then
            donationDict.Add id, New Collection 'new key: add key and empty collection
        End If
        donationDict(id).Add _
             OneDimension(rw.Cells(2).Resize(1, numArrCols).Value) 'add the row value as 1D array
    Next rw
    For Each id In donationDict.Keys
        Do While donationDict(id).Count < 5
            donationDict(id).Add arr 'add empty array
    Next id
    ShowDict donationDict 'dump to Immediate window for review
End Sub

'convert a 2D [row] array to a 1D array
Function OneDimension(arr)
    OneDimension = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(arr))
End Function

Sub ShowDict(dict)
    Dim k, e
    For Each k In dict.Keys
        Debug.Print "Key: " & k
        Debug.Print "------------------------"
        For Each e In dict(k)
            Debug.Print , Join(e, ",")
        Next e
    Next k
End Sub
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