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Graph node search - Couldn't match expected type ‘(a, [a])’ with actual type ‘[(a, [a])]’


I need to write a function checkNode that accepts a graph in form of:

[(1,[2,3]), (2, [3,4])]

as an argument where the first integer in a Tuple is a Node and the list shows all the other Nodes the initial Node is connected to.

checkNode has a second parameter, an Integer.

checkNode [(1,[2,3]), (2, [3,4])] 2 outputs True, because 2 is a node in the graph, whereas

checkNode [(1,[2,3]), (2, [3,4])] 7 outputs False.

Here's what I have so far:

checkNode :: (Eq a, Num a) => [(a, [a])] -> a -> Bool
checkNode [] _ = False
checkNode [(x,_):d] n = if (n == x) then True else checkNode d n

and here's the error:

test2.hs:53:12: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘(a, [a])’
                  with actual type ‘[(a, [a])]’
    • In the pattern: (x, _) : d
      In the pattern: [(x, _) : d]
      In an equation for ‘checkNode’:
          checkNode [(x, _) : d] n = if (n == x) then True else checkNode d n
    • Relevant bindings include
        checkNode :: [(a, [a])] -> a -> Bool (bound at test2.hs:52:1)    
| 53 | checkNode [(x,_):d] n = if (n == x) then True else checkNode d n    |            

CodePudding user response:

The solution was to alter the way the function reads the graph input:

checkNode :: (Eq a, Num a) => [(a, [a])] -> a -> Bool
checkNode [] _ = False
checkNode ((x,_):d) n = if (n == x) then True else checkNode d n

namely enclose the graph in the round brackets.

CodePudding user response:

If you want to only check if there is an edge leaving that item (so the query is in the first item of one of the 2-tuples), you can check with:

checkNode :: (Foldable f, Eq a) => f (a, [b]) -> a -> Bool
checkNode graph q = any ((q ==) . fst) graph

this will check if any item in the Foldable (that can be a list) is a 2-tuple with q as first item.

This will not check if there is an incoming edge for a node, so 4 is not a node of the graph [(2, [4])] for example.

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