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Index enters the For Loop despite exceeding the upper limit


I can't figure out why is the index of my For-Loop entering the loop, despite its value exceeding the upper limit. Please see the pic attached below for clarity.

Dim cnt
cnt = 0  
Debug.Print "Total File Count before entering loop: " & xFolder.Files.Count

For Each oxFile In xFolder.Files
    If Left(oxFile.Name, 1) <> "~" And LCase(oxFile.Name) <> "thumbs.db" Then
        cnt = cnt   1
        Debug.Print "Files processed in each iteration:" & cnt
        Call FixFileNames(oxFile)  'This sub merely shortens the file name.
    End If
Next oxFile

Private Sub FixFileNames(ByRef myFile As Object)
    Dim PrevName As String
    PrevName = myFile.Name
    PrevName = Trim(Replace(PrevName, "_XXXXX_", "", 1)
    myFile.Name = PrevName
End Sub

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

You can collect all the files before processing them, so there's no chance you'll pick up any new files.


Dim cnt, col As New Collection
For Each oxFile In xFolder.Files 'collect the files first
    col.Add oxFile
Next oxFile

Debug.Print "Total File Count before entering loop: " & col.Count
cnt = 0
For Each oxFile In col
    If Left(oxFile.Name, 1) <> "~" And LCase(oxFile.Name) <> "thumbs.db" Then
        cnt = cnt   1
        Debug.Print cnt, oxFile.Name
        FixFileNames oxFile  'Call is deprecated...
    End If
Next oxFile
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