How might I use comma separated string aggregation here as a form of a pivot table?
Consider this small example:
# mwe
df = pd.DataFrame({'property': ['DriveProductRevision', 'DriveProductRevision', 'DriveProductId', 'ProductNumber'],
'value': ['CXV84M1Q', 'CXV84M1Z', 'Samsung', 0]})
My attempt:
df.pivot_table(columns='property', values='value', aggfunc=lambda x: ', '.join(x))
The expected output:
DriveProductRevision DriveProductId ProductNumber
CXV84M1Q, CXV84M1Z Samsung 0
CodePudding user response:
I'd actually to a groupby
df = df.assign(value=df['value'].astype(str)).groupby('property')['value'].agg(list).str.join(', ').to_frame().T.rename_axis(None, axis=1).reset_index(drop=True)
>>> df
DriveProductId DriveProductRevision ProductNumber
0 Samsung CXV84M1Q, CXV84M1Z 0
CodePudding user response:
You could adjust the lambda passed to aggfunc
out = (df.pivot_table(columns='property', values='value',
aggfunc=lambda x: x if len(x)==1 else ', '.join(x))
DriveProductId DriveProductRevision ProductNumber
value Samsung CXV84M1Q, CXV84M1Z 0