# include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc HPP"
# include "opencv2/highgui/highgui. HPP"
using namespace std;
Using the namespace CV;
Void findX (min IplImage * img, int * and an int * Max)
Int found=0;
CvScalar very=cvRealScalar (img - & gt; Width * 255);
CvScalar val=cvRealScalar (0);
CvMat data;
Int minCount=img - & gt; Width * 255/5;
int count=0;
For (int I=0; i
Val=cvSum (& amp; The data);
If (val val [0]
If (count & gt; MinCount & amp; & The count & lt; Img - & gt; Width * 255) {
* Max=I;
If (found==0) {
* min=I;
//find contain the top of the license plate characters, ruled out the location of the two screws
Void findY (min IplImage * img, int * and an int * Max)
Int found=0;
CvScalar very=cvRealScalar (img - & gt; Height * 255);
CvScalar val=cvRealScalar (0);
CvMat data;
Int minCount=img - & gt; Width * 255/5;
int count=0;
For (int I=0; i
Val=cvSum (& amp; The data);
If (val val [0]
If (count & gt; MinCount & amp; & The count & lt; Img - & gt; Height * 255) {
* Max=I;
If (found==0) {
* min=I;
The minimum area//license plate character
CvRect findArea (IplImage * img)
Int minX, maxX;
Int minY, maxY;
FindX (img, & amp; MinX, & amp; MaxX);
FindY (img, & amp; MinY, & amp; MaxY);
CvRect rc=CvRect (minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
Return the rc;
Mat img_divide Mat (SRC)
Mat dst_gray, dst_gra dst_gr;
Int I=5;//matrix size
Mat DST (cvRound (SRC) rows/1), cvRound (SRC. The cols/1), CV_8UC1);
CvtColor (SRC, dst_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
The resize (dst_gray, DST, DST. The size (), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR);
MedianBlur (DST, dst_gra, I);
Threshold (dst_gra dst_gr, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY | CV_THRESH_OTSU);
//to find the minimum area and intercept
IplImage * pI=& amp; Dst_gr. Operator IplImage ();
CvRect rc=findArea (pI);
CvSetImageROI (pI, rc);
IplImage * img_gray2=cvCreateImage (cvSize (rc) width, rc, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
CvCopyImage (pI, img_gray2);
CvResetImageROI (pI);
IplImage * imgSrc2=cvCreateImage (cvSize (rc) width, rc, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
IplImage * P_src=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/&src.operator IplImage ();
CvSetImageROI (P_src, rc);
CvCopyImage (P_src imgSrc2);
CvResetImageROI (P_src);
CvMorphologyEx (img_gray2 img_gray2, NULL, NULL, CV_MOP_CLOSE);
CvSeq * contours=NULL;
CvMemStorage * storage=cvCreateMemStorage (0);
Int count=cvFindContours (img_gray2, storage, & amp; Contours,
Sizeof (CvContour), CV_RETR_EXTERNAL);
int idx=0;
Char szName [56]={0};
For (CvSeq * c=contours; C!!!=NULL; C=c - & gt; H_next)
//cvDrawContours (imgSrc2, c, CV_RGB (255, 0, 0), CV_RGB (255, 255, 0), 100);
CvRect rc=cvBoundingRect (c);
CvDrawRect (imgSrc2 cvPoint (rc, rc. X, y), cvPoint (rc) x + rc) width, rc, y + rc. The height), CV_RGB (255, 0, 0));
If (rc) width & lt; ImgSrc2 - & gt; Width/10 & amp; & Rc. Height & lt; ImgSrc2 - & gt; Height/5) {continue; }
IplImage * imgNo=cvCreateImage (cvSize (rc) width, rc, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
CvSetImageROI (imgSrc2, rc);
CvCopyImage (imgSrc2 imgNo);
CvShowImage (" SRC ", imgNo);
Mat PIC (imgNo);
CvWaitKey (0);
CvDestroyAllWindows ();
Return PIC;
Int img_gramme (Mat img, int * result)
int i;
/* int result [5]; CV_THRESH_TOZERO | */
CvPoint rect_pts [4], * pt=rect_pts;
Mat src_image;
Threshold (img, src_image, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
Img=src_image. Clone ();
FindContours (src_image, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_TREE CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Point (0, 0));//Find contours
For (I=0; i
S [I]=contourArea (contours [I]);
ApproxPolyDP (Mat (contours [I]), contours_poly [I], 3, true);