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Appear this kind of mistake is going on?


On May 3, 2020 1:46:41 afternoon org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardWrapperValve invoke
Severe: Servlet service () for the Servlet [for springmvc] in context with the path [/BBS] threw the exception
Java. Lang. NullPointerException
At cc.javaee.bbs.filter.Com monFilter. Autologin (CommonFilter. Java: 94)
At cc.javaee.bbs.filter.Com monFilter. DoFilter (CommonFilter. Java: 56)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Core. ApplicationFilterChain. InternalDoFilter (ApplicationFilterChain. Java: 241)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Core. ApplicationFilterChain. DoFilter (ApplicationFilterChain. Java: 208)
The at org. Springframework. Web. Filter. CharacterEncodingFilter. DoFilterInternal (CharacterEncodingFilter. Java: 88)
The at org. Springframework. Web. Filter. OncePerRequestFilter. DoFilter (OncePerRequestFilter. Java: 76)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Core. ApplicationFilterChain. InternalDoFilter (ApplicationFilterChain. Java: 241)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Core. ApplicationFilterChain. DoFilter (ApplicationFilterChain. Java: 208)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardWrapperValve. Invoke (StandardWrapperValve. Java: 218)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardContextValve. Invoke (StandardContextValve. Java: 110)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. The authenticator. AuthenticatorBase. Invoke (AuthenticatorBase. Java: 506)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardHostValve. Invoke (StandardHostValve. Java: 169)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Valves. ErrorReportValve. Invoke (ErrorReportValve. Java: 103)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Valves. AccessLogValve. Invoke (AccessLogValve. Java: 962)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardEngineValve. Invoke (StandardEngineValve. Java: 116)
At org. Apache. Catalina. Connector. CoyoteAdapter. Service (452) CoyoteAdapter. Java:
The at org. Apache. Coyote. Http11. AbstractHttp11Processor. Process (AbstractHttp11Processor. Java: 1087)
The at org. Apache. Coyote. AbstractProtocol $AbstractConnectionHandler. Process (AbstractProtocol. Java: 637)
At org.apache.tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint$SocketProcessor.run JIoEndpoint. Java: (316)
The at Java. Util. Concurrent. ThreadPoolExecutor. RunWorker (ThreadPoolExecutor. Java: 1142)
The at Java. Util. Concurrent. ThreadPoolExecutor $Worker. The run (ThreadPoolExecutor. Java: 617)
At org, apache tomcat. Util. Threads. TaskThread $WrappingRunnable. Run (61) TaskThread. Java:
The at Java. Lang. Thread. The run (Thread. Java: 745)

CodePudding user response:

Null pointer you see, "he said
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