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Nodejs string search and string parser


I have a string below, and I want to extract the value of the headers inside my string, such as "Change Type" or "Change Summary".

I was thinking about using regex, but I'm not sure because it seems like regex is only used for validations.

" # Release Notes #
 ## Change Type ##
-[] Enhancement
-[x] Defect

## Change Summary ##
This Release is to fix a null pointer issue. 

## Is this Active  ##
-[x] Yes
-[] No

## Team ##
Jaguar Team

## Impacted Customer ##
-[x] Internal
-[] External  "

How can I do this effectively? Can I use regex for this?

CodePudding user response:

We can use Regex with lookarounds to match our data.

const re = /(?<=(^|\n)##  ).*?(?=  ##(\n|$))/g;

const titles = `" # Release Notes #
 ## Change Type ##
-[] Enhancement
-[x] Defect

## Change Summary ##
This Release is to fix a null pointer issue. 

## Is this Active  ##
-[x] Yes
-[] No

## Team ##
Jaguar Team

## Impacted Customer ##
-[x] Internal
-[] External  "

Note this intentionally doesn't match ## Change Type ##, as there is a space in front of it, nor # Release Notes # for the same reason and because it only has one # before and after it.

Regex Breakdown

  ?<=(^|\n)            # match any text after a new line or beginning of string
  ##                   # match "##" followed by one or more spaces
.*?                    # match any text with greedy-prevention
  ?=  ##               # match any text before any one or more spaces and "##"
  (\n|$)               # match anything before a new line or end of string

Without regex

If you don't want to use regex because you got mad at it, offended it, or have any other (good) reason not to use it, here's the regex-free alternative.

const extract = input => {
  let strs = input.split("\n"); // split the string line by line
  return strs.map(i => {
    // check if string matches criterion
    if(i.startsWith("## ") && i.endsWith(" ##"))
      return i.substring(3, i.length - 3); // remove "## " and " ##"
  }).filter(o => !!o); // remove falsy values

console.log(extract(`" # Release Notes #
 ## Change Type ##
-[] Enhancement
-[x] Defect

## Change Summary ##
This Release is to fix a null pointer issue. 

## Is this Active  ##
-[x] Yes
-[] No

## Team ##
Jaguar Team

## Impacted Customer ##
-[x] Internal
-[] External  "

CodePudding user response:

You can get the headers with: /(?<=##). (?=##)/g
This pattern basically tells to match anything that is between two #.

Test here: https://regex101.com/r/F4HUIf/1

let input = `" # Release Notes #
 ## Change Type ##
-[] Enhancement
-[x] Defect

## Change Summary ##
This Release is to fix a null pointer issue. 

## Is this Active  ##
-[x] Yes
-[] No

## Team ##
Jaguar Team

## Impacted Customer ##
-[x] Internal
-[] External  "`

let pattern = /(?<=##). (?=##)/g

 console.log(e.trim())  //using trim to remove extra white spaces

//Change Type
//Change Summary
//Is this Active
//Impacted Customer

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