Home > Back-end >  [new turn] XE10.2.3 android SdkVersion has been 14 can you tell me how to modify
[new turn] XE10.2.3 android SdkVersion has been 14 can you tell me how to modify


XE10.2.3 android version has been 14
The automatically generated AndroidManifest. XML file
I downloaded the SDK 5.0 6.0 and the result of Builder tool version or 14

The NDK 19 edition also not line, I specify the version of the NDK supports 10.2.3 excuse me the highest how much, how can I change other android SDK version

CodePudding user response:

Look for engineering setting and word count

CodePudding user response:

Is there any direction I saw did not specify the all open the NDK apis level, I have to choose from the NDK android - 19 compiled or 14

CodePudding user response:

New project? Word word count,

CodePudding user response:

Every change my new project, also not line, to 19 10.2.3 the NDK does it support? I changed to 19 above the NDK will have various compiler error

CodePudding user response:

Ask another question, android7 install apk for URI permissions not line, I changed, or have a question, you help me take a look at:

UnicodeString sURL, sPath;
_di_JFile oFile;
_di_JIntent oIntent;
_di_Jnet_Uri JURI.
SPath=System: : Ioutils: : TPath: : GetSharedDownloadsPath ();//GetSharedDownloadsDir ();
If (TJBuild_VERSION: : JavaClass - & gt; SDK_INT & gt;=TJBuild_VERSION_CODES: : JavaClass - & gt; N)
OFile=TJFile: : JavaClass - & gt; Init (StringToJString (sPath + L "/APP. Apk"));
OIntent=TJIntent: : JavaClass - & gt; Init (TJIntent: : JavaClass - & gt; ACTION_VIEW);
OIntent - & gt; SetAction (TJIntent: : JavaClass - & gt; ACTION_VIEW);
OIntent - & gt; SetFlags (TJIntent: : JavaClass - & gt; FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION);
OIntent - & gt; AddFlags (TJIntent: : JavaClass - & gt; FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
JURI=TJFileProvider: : JavaClass - & gt; GetUriForFile (TAndroidHelper: : Context, StringToJString (L "com. Embarcadero. TestIntents. Fileprovider"), oFile);
OIntent - & gt; SetDataAndType (JURI, StringToJString (L "application/VND. Android. Package - archive"));
TAndroidHelper: : Activity - & gt; StartActivity (oIntent);

CodePudding user response:

I'm not going to android, and the word count

CodePudding user response:

Top up, hope reply philosophers

CodePudding user response:

Do you want to specify the NDK library path, otherwise the compiler or a previous version of the library

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