Home > Back-end >  Implement the Recipes class, which handle food recipes (name, description). The class should have an
Implement the Recipes class, which handle food recipes (name, description). The class should have an


I'm kinda confused , about if im storing the Name of the Recipe "TükőrTojás" and the desc of it , because even though, I pass the first test in the add test section, when it comes to , the delete section, the , i fail the first test, my array size changes to 2, I guess its because the name there is already defined ? Do i have to, somehow, store the already defined name into my Array list? If i, have to do that , how should i?

public class Recipes {
Implement the Recipes class, which handle food recipes (name, description).
The class should have an add (add a new recipe),
    ArrayList<String> recipes = new ArrayList<>();
    public void add(String name, String desc)
    {   Collections.addAll(recipes,name,desc);
    public void delete(String name)

    public void testDelete() {
        Recipes recipes = new Recipes();

        String name = "Tükörtojás";

        recipes.add(name, "1. Az olajat egy serpenyőben kellőképp felforrósítjuk és óvatosan beleütjük"  
                " a tojásokat.\r\n2. Keverés nélkül készre sütjük, míg a tojásfehérje megsül, de a sárgája"  
                " folyós marad.\r\n3. Hogy jobban átsüljön, a tojásfehérjét egy villa segítségével óvatosan"  
                " megmozgathatjuk.");

        assertEquals(1, recipes.recipes.size()); // The test i fail


        assertEquals(0, recipes.recipes.size());

CodePudding user response:

You need to create a JavaBean for Recipe to use it with your ArrayList, so instead of ArrayList<String> you would probably have ArrayList<Recipe>.


For this example I will create a JavaBean named RecipeBean which will contain the Strings recipeName and recipeDescription

public class RecipeBean {

    private String recipeName = "", recipeDescription = "";

    public RecipeBean() {

    public String getRecipeName() {
        return recipeName;

    public void setRecipeName(String recipeName) {
        this.recipeName = recipeName;

    public String getRecipeDescription() {
        return recipeDescription;

    public void setRecipeDescription(String recipeDescription) {
        this.recipeDescription = recipeDescription;

    public void clear() {
        this.recipeName = "";
        this.recipeDescription = "";

The class above will act as the Recipe object or item for a single Recipe.


Then in your class called Recipe.class I will declare the ArrayList now with the RecipeBean instead of String for more control.

ArrayList<RecipeBean> recipes = new ArrayList();

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Recipe {

    Implement the Recipes class, which handle food recipes (name, description). The class should have an add (add a new recipe)

    ArrayList<RecipeBean> recipes = new ArrayList<>();

     * Function to add recipe to recipes ArrayList
     * @param recipeName - Recipe Name
     * @param recipeDescription - Recipe Description
    public void addRecipe(final String recipeName, final String recipeDescription) {
        System.out.println("Adding recipe : "   recipeName);

        RecipeBean recipeBean = new RecipeBean();

        recipeBean.setRecipeName(recipeName); // Set recipeName to JavaBean
        recipeBean.setRecipeDescription(recipeDescription); // Set recipeDescription to JavaBean

        // Check if ArrayList is null
        if (recipes != null) {
            recipes.add(recipeBean); // Add java bean to ArrayList

     * Function to delete recipe to recipes ArrayList
     * @param recipeName - Recipe Name
    public void deleteRecipe(final String recipeName) {

        System.out.println("Deleting recipe : "   recipeName);

        // Check if ArrayList is null
        if (recipes != null) {

            // Loop through ArrayList and remove current object if name matches passed parameter
            recipes.removeIf(recipe -> recipe.getRecipeName().equalsIgnoreCase(recipeName));
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