

I have 30 structure are the same table (pictured above), then I want to enter a record of a field (for example serviceID) then traverse the entire database to find the record of all the value of the field, and displayed, the following figure

Get the names of all the tables now I have, but how many table query, I now use the method of cycle if not, don't know what went wrong,
Here is my code, because I am not a professional software, make up good, ask the great spirit guide
USES the
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, ADODB, DB, Grids, DBGrids, StdCtrls;
TForm1=class (TForm)
DataSource1: TDataSource;
DBGrid1: TDBGrid;
ADOQuery1: TADOQuery;
ADOConnection1: TADOConnection;
Edit1: TEdit;
BtnSeach: TButton;
MmoServiceActionCN: TMemo;
MmoDeventName: TMemo;
DeventName: TLabel;
ServiceActionCN: TLabel;
MmoSYMEnglish: TMemo;
SYMEnglish: TLabel;
MmoLED: TMemo;
LED: TLabel;
Cbb_DataName: TComboBox;
Procedure FormActivate (Sender: TObject);
Procedure BtnSeachClick (Sender: TObject);
Procedure mmoSYMEnglishClick (Sender: TObject);
Procedure GetDataBaseAllTable ();
Procedure FormCreate (Sender: TObject);
{Private declarations}
{Public declarations}
Form1: TForm1;
Tempclass: string;//used to store temporary data to realize the combination of search
Tempsex: string;
//get all the table
GetDataBaseAllTableobjTables: TStringList;
TableCount: Integer;//table count
{$R *. DFM}
Procedure TForm1. BtnSeachClick (Sender: TObject);
A: Boolean;
TableName: string;
IDName: string;
Index: Integer;
Count: Integer;
The begin
A:=form1. Edit1. Text<> "';
If a, then
The begin
While indexThe begin
Form1. ADOQuery1. Close;
Form1. ADOQuery1. SQL. The Clear;
Cbb_DataName. ItemIndex:=index;
IDName:=Edit1. Text;//input serviceID
TableName:='select * from + cbb_DataName. Items [index];
Form1. ADOQuery1. SQL. The Add (TableName + 'where ServiceID like' + '" %' + IDName + '%' ");//find the record and then jump out of the loop query?
Form1. ADOQuery1. Open;
Index:=index + 1;
MmoServiceActionCN. Text:=form1. ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' ServiceActionCN). AsString;
MmoDeventName. Text:=form1. ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' DeventName). AsString;
MmoSYMEnglish. Text:=form1. ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' SYMEnglish). AsString;
MmoLED. Text:=form1. ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' status lights). AsString;
Form1. Caption:='event source: + form1. ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' source'). AsString;
Procedure TForm1. FormActivate (Sender: TObject);
Field: the string;
The begin
//combox1 field list is saved in
Form1. ADOConnection1. Close;
Form1. ADOQuery1. Close;
Form1. ADOConnection1. The ConnectionString:='. The Provider=Microsoft Jet. The OLEDB. 4.0; Password=""; Data Source='+ getcurrentdir +' \ Data \ UIH_MR_Event_Log MDB. Persist Security Info=True ';
Form1. ADOConnection1. LoginPrompt:=false;
Form1. ADOQuery1. SQL. The Clear;
GetDataBaseAllTable ();
Field:='select * from + cbb_DataName. The Text;
BtnSeach. Caption:=cbb_DataName. Text;
//form1. ADOQuery1. SQL. The Add (' select * from CBB ');
Form1. ADOQuery1. SQL. The Add (field);
Form1. ADOQuery1. Open;
Form1. ADOConnection1. Open;
Procedure TForm1. FormCreate (Sender: TObject);
The begin
Procedure TForm1. MmoSYMEnglishClick (Sender: TObject);
The begin
//change the display in both Chinese and English
Procedure TForm1. GetDataBaseAllTable ();
The begin
GetDataBaseAllTableobjTables:=TStringList. Create;
ADOConnection1. GetTableNames (GetDataBaseAllTableobjTables);
Cbb_DataName. Items. AddStrings (GetDataBaseAllTableobjTables);
TableCount:=GetDataBaseAllTableobjTables. Count;//get the total number of table
//ShowMessage (' there are a few tables: + IntToStr (GetDataBaseAllTableobjTables. Count));
The finally
FreeAndNil (GetDataBaseAllTableobjTables);
Cbb_DataName. ItemIndex:=0;
CodePudding user response:
While indexForm1. ADOQuery1. Close;
Form1. ADOQuery1. SQL. The Clear;
Cbb_DataName. ItemIndex:=index;
IDName:=Edit1. Text;//input serviceID
TableName:='select * from + cbb_DataName. Items [index];
Form1. ADOQuery1. SQL. The Add (TableName + 'where ServiceID like' + '" %' + IDName + '%' ");//find the record and then jump out of the loop query?
Form1. ADOQuery1. Open;
Index:=index + 1;
This is you want to do well?
In a cycle is only read the database? Do so meaningless, equivalent to you direct your cbb_DataName list of the last data table,
Can be written as
TableName:='select * from % s where ServiceID like' '% s' ");
IDName IDName:='%' + + '%';
TableName:=Format (TableName, [cbb_DataName Items [index], IDName];