Webbrowser1. URL:="HTTP://http://* * *. * * *. * *" and webbrowser1. Navigate "http://* * *. * * *. * *" tip can't find the page
CodePudding user response:
procedure TMainFrm. SearchEditButton1Click (Sender: TObject);
The begin
WebBrowser1. URL:=Edit5. Text;//read the url
TabControl1. ActiveTab:=TabItem3//activate WebBrowser1 page
WebBrowser1. Navigate;//open the browse
CodePudding user response:
I can't, or tip can't find the page https://* * *. * * *. * * in the web page might soldier fails, could permanently moved to a new web address,CodePudding user response:
HTTPS should have certificate validation tips, but access to tip can't find the page directly, whether need to do first set up, which can master glad?CodePudding user response:
Which master can help me with?CodePudding user response:
WebBrowser1. Loadfromstring (', ')The first parameter: open the web site (www.baidu.com)
The second parameter: the base site (about: blank)
Not all the same