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Finish idhttp POST data, the memo to return to normal data


Finish idhttp POST data, the memo to return to normal data, strives for the great god see

Procedure TForm3. Button1Click (Sender: TObject);
Kirim: TStrings;
Hasil: String;
Text: the string;
The begin
IdHttp1. Request. UserAgent:='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64. The rv: 53.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox 53.0/';
Idhttp1. Request. Accept:='text/HTML, application/XHTML + XML, application/XML. Q=0.9 */*; Q=0.8 ';
Idhttp1. Request. ContentLanguage:='useful - CN, useful; Q=0.8, en - US; Q=0.5, en. Q=0.3 ';
IdHttp1. Request. AcceptEncoding:='gzip, deflate';
Idhttp1. Request. ContentType:='application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded';
IdHttp1. Request. Connection:='keep - the alive;
Kirim:=TstringList. Create;
Kirim. Add (' siteid '+'='+' 1 '+' & amp; '+' modelid '+'='+' 2 '+' & amp; '+' username '+'='+ GetRandStr (8) +' & amp; '+' password '+'='+' 1 qaz998998 '
+ '& amp; '+' pwdconfirm '+'='+' 1 qaz998998 '+' & amp; '+' email='+ GetRandStr (8) +' @ '+' 163 '+', '+' com '+' & amp; '+' nickname '+'='+' hellko '
+ '& amp; '+' dosubmit '+'='+' 1 '+' & amp; '+' protocol '+'='+' & amp; '+' info '+' [' + 'content' + '] '+'='+' & lt; '+' img '+' a '+' SRC='+' '+ edit1. Text +'? '+', '+' PHP '+' # '+', '+' JPG '+' & gt; ');
Hasil:=IdHttp1. POST (' http://'+ edit2. Text +'/index. PHP? M=member& C=index& A=register& Siteid=1 ', kirim);
Memo1. Lines. The Add (hasil);
The finally
Kirim. Free;

CodePudding user response:

Issue to address, I help you with your post

CodePudding user response:

refer to the original poster mang2227 response:
idhttp POST data, the memo to return to normal data, strives for the great god see

Procedure TForm3. Button1Click (Sender: TObject);
Kirim: TStrings;
Hasil: String;
Text: the string;
The begin
IdHttp1. Request. UserAgent:='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64. The rv: 53.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox 53.0/';
Idhttp1. Request. Accept:='text/HTML, application/XHTML + XML, application/XML. Q=0.9 */*; Q=0.8 ';
Idhttp1. Request. ContentLanguage:='useful - CN, useful; Q=0.8, en - US; Q=0.5, en. Q=0.3 ';
IdHttp1. Request. AcceptEncoding:='gzip, deflate';
Idhttp1. Request. ContentType:='application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded';
IdHttp1. Request. Connection:='keep - the alive;
Kirim:=TstringList. Create;
Kirim. Add (' siteid '+'='+' 1 '+' & amp; '+' modelid '+'='+' 2 '+' & amp; '+' username '+'='+ GetRandStr (8) +' & amp; '+' password '+'='+' 1 qaz998998 '
+ '& amp; '+' pwdconfirm '+'='+' 1 qaz998998 '+' & amp; '+' email='+ GetRandStr (8) +' @ '+' 163 '+', '+' com '+' & amp; '+' nickname '+'='+' hellko '
+ '& amp; '+' dosubmit '+'='+' 1 '+' & amp; '+' protocol '+'='+' & amp; '+' info '+' [' + 'content' + '] '+'='+' & lt; '+' img '+' a '+' SRC='+' '+ edit1. Text +'? '+', '+' PHP '+' # '+', '+' JPG '+' & gt; ');
Hasil:=IdHttp1. POST (' http://'+ edit2. Text +'/index. PHP? M=member& C=index& A=register& Siteid=1 ', kirim);
Memo1. Lines. The Add (hasil);
The finally
Kirim. Free;

Param1=value1 kirm. Add (' ')
Krim. Add (' param2=value2 ')

CodePudding user response:

HTTP post why the string concatenation,
Sl. The add (XXX);
Sl. The add (XXXX);
So how convenient
HTTP. Get no way just splicing character

CodePudding user response:

Kirim. Add (m=member);
Kirim. Add (c=index);
Kirim. Add (a=register);
Kirim. Add (siteid=1);
Kirim * * * *;
Hasil:=IdHttp1. POST (' http://'+ edit2. Text +'/index. PHP, kirim);

CodePudding user response:

HTTP post why the string concatenation,
Sl. The add (XXX);
Sl. The add (XXXX);
So how convenient
HTTP. Get no way just splicing character
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