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How to create a time series using my own time data?


I want to create a time series where I extract the time column from my data set and start the series from the earliest instance

I have a dataset that looks something like this:

Entity   Year   Rate
a        1900   x
a        1901   x
a        1902   x
b        1875   x
a        1876   x
a        1877   x
c        1980   x
c        1981   x
c        1982   x
c        1983   x


I have divided the dataset into subsets filtered by entity. I want to create a timeseries for entity a starting at the year 1900. All I know to do is

tsA <- ts(subsetA, start = 1900, frequency = 1)

when creating the subset or the timeseries, is there a way to get R to recognize the "year" column and run the time series through the dates in the year column for that entity?

CodePudding user response:

Using the {zoo} packages you can get it done.

data <- data.frame(
    year = sample(2000:2020, 20, replace = FALSE),
    rate = runif(20)

#>    year       rate
#> 1  2001 0.93883378
#> 2  2018 0.01560548
#> 3  2013 0.16757567
#> 4  2012 0.98178756
#> 5  2000 0.83464269
#> 6  2007 0.54851239
#> 7  2008 0.52650996
#> 8  2011 0.34232266
#> 9  2014 0.83018549
#> 10 2010 0.43162665
#> 11 2017 0.53488659
#> 12 2009 0.31031984
#> 13 2004 0.37713368
#> 14 2016 0.14547139
#> 15 2003 0.58170074
#> 16 2005 0.81648560
#> 17 2019 0.12178940
#> 18 2015 0.33283621
#> 19 2006 0.61083482
#> 20 2002 0.07795245

# with the argument `order.by` the function order your timeseries,
# This argument can be a date, in case of timeseries with another frequency

data_ts <- zoo::zoo(data[ ,-1], order.by = data$year)  

#>       2000       2001       2002       2003       2004       2005       2006 
#> 0.83464269 0.93883378 0.07795245 0.58170074 0.37713368 0.81648560 0.61083482 
#>       2007       2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013 
#> 0.54851239 0.52650996 0.31031984 0.43162665 0.34232266 0.98178756 0.16757567 
#>       2014       2015       2016       2017       2018       2019 
#> 0.83018549 0.33283621 0.14547139 0.53488659 0.01560548 0.12178940

Created on 2022-03-28 by the enter image description here


df1 <- structure(list(Entity = c("a", "a", "a", "b", "a", "a", "c", 
"c", "c", "c"), Year = c(1900L, 1901L, 1902L, 1875L, 1876L, 1877L, 
1980L, 1981L, 1982L, 1983L), Rate = c(0.336955619277433, 0.626354965148494, 
0.540716192685068, 0.743173609254882, 0.290504944045097, 0.266880671493709, 
0.770237174350768, 0.164355911314487, 0.753349485108629, 0.900830976199359
)), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = "data.frame")

CodePudding user response:

Suppose we have the data frame shown reproducibly in the Note at the end. Then we can read it into a zoo object and possibly to various other forms. The ts object will fill in empty years with NA but the zoo object can represent irregularly spaced series so it does not need to do that.

z <- read.zoo(DF, index = 2, split = 1); z

# just part that starts at 1900
window(z, start = 1900)

# as a ts series
tt <- as.ts(z)

# as a wide data.frame

# as a long data.frame
fortify.zoo(z, melt = TRUE)

# same but without NAs
na.omit(fortify.zoo(z, melt = TRUE))

# plot - omit facet=NULL to get separate panels
autoplot(z, facet = NULL, geom = "point")   geom_line()

# plot lines only without points
autoplot(z, facet = NULL)

# using data frames
DF1900 <- subset(DF, Year >= 1900)
split(DF1900, DF1900$Entity)


Lines <- "Entity   Year   Rate
a        1900   x
a        1901   x
a        1902   x
b        1875   x
a        1876   x
a        1877   x
c        1980   x
c        1981   x
c        1982   x
c        1983   x"
DF <- read.table(text = Lines, header = TRUE)
DF$Rate <- 1:nrow(DF)
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