I need to break out the name field to show last name and first initial in separate fields.
So far, I can break out the LastName, FirstName, but is there a way I can only select the first name initial?
regexp_substr(name, '[^,] ', 1, 1) as LastName,
regexp_substr(name, '[^,] ', 1, 2) as FirstName
CodePudding user response:
I'm confused didn't see "oracle" tag. So these code snippets will only work with SQL Server:
You can do this by using standard string functions.
SELECT @name = 'Tom Sheldon'
-- you can use this instead of regular expressions
SELECT RIGHT(@name, CHARINDEX(' ', @name) 3) ' ' LEFT(@name, 1) '.' AS name
name |
Sheldon T. |
SELECT @name = 'Tom Sheldon'
-- you can use this instead of regular expressions
RIGHT(@name, CHARINDEX(' ', @name) 3) AS LastName,
LEFT(@name, 1) AS FirstName
LastName | FirstName |
Sheldon | T |
CodePudding user response:
you can use SUBSTR with the resuklt of the regexp_substr
with rws as ( select 'lastname,firstname' str from dual ) SELECT regexp_substr(str, '[^,] ', 1, 1) as LastName, SUBSTR(regexp_substr(str, '[^,] ', 1, 2),1,1) as FirstNameinitial from rws
LASTNAME | FIRSTNAMEINITIAL :------- | :--------------- lastname | f
db<>fiddle here
CodePudding user response:
This might be inelegant, but it worked:
substr ( (regexp_substr(name, '[^,] ', 1, 2)),2,1 ) as FirstName
I started the substring at 2, b/c there was a space between the comma and the first name. I now have two columns: LastName, FirstInit