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Being a zero base person whether I have the opportunity to transform a programmer?


You may not believe that the topic again and a junior high school graduates,
我16岁就辍学出去打工了,我初中成绩在年级中偏上,已经达到了分数线,学校方以人满为理由拒绝招生(也就是要花钱),那个时候家庭条件差,每天放学回去种地喂牲口,没有辅导,没有其他学习时间,知识学习也就仅限于课堂上,16岁一个人来到成都(本人也在四川,距离成都400公里)投靠亲戚,(亲戚==表叔),表叔在成都开了一家小型紧固件公司,我去打杂(一个月600),一个月4天休息,就在公司吃住工作强度还行,一箱紧固件轻的30kg-40kg,重的50kg++,本来以为人生就这样,低迷,能过一天就一天,混吃等死的过着,直到我17岁存了2千++(还换了一个洛基亚5233),突发奇想配台电脑,(其实那个时候电脑普及很广泛了,也有时不时去网吧用别人的身份证)我在手机上找教程,然后在网上买配件,CPU,主板,DVD,内存条,显卡,电源,机械硬盘,我还记得那天晚上19点到凌晨4点,精神极度亢奋没有一丝想睡觉的欲望,最难的是开机键,重启键,LED光的几个小插头,然后是装系统(买的DVD光碟),结果还是在电脑店花了20元装的,也就是17岁那年我了解了成人教育,原来我还有机会完成原来没有完成的遗憾,毅然的我报了名(这个时候我工资1800,不包吃不包住,报的是成都广播电视大学,报名费和杂七杂八花了3000大洋,其结果是吃了两个月的蔬菜,一盘吃两顿的那种,差点买米都不够),表叔知道我在学习后也非常的鼓励我(口头上),然后我兼职了公司打出货单,配送单,这些杂七杂八的工作(工资? Think too much), then go to work during the day, night ride a storage battery to study night, to sleep at home every day to play computer (enrich), such life until I was 19 years old (salary? Up to one hundred a year, no bonuses, I handed over a semester tuition, 18 years old got a driver's license, in a cool 8720), 19, I made a regret two years is the decision of the benefit life, joined the army (let alone diploma really useful, although I haven't graduate, but the army or in the reading of college students to join the army, which makes my house got 4000 yuan in university students), under the influence of TV coincidence I went to a killing me two years troops (should be the training intensity of top force, 24, 15 officers, eventually turned 4 had gone 20), 21 year old retired home confusion again (who am I, where I am, I want to do?) , family conditions at this time a little better, in the town to open a restaurant, I do a restaurant is a temporary help at home, at the age of 21 years off I see online recruitment information (county transportation bureau subordinate bus hire contract) I went to apply for, take the simple test, then the interview, may be I am lucky, bus are interested in my experience, drop a few corporations p instead (came in just know contract is essentially a formal worker share with relatives and friends, in addition to me), I showed during the work, positive work attitude and learning attitude not long before I was arranged in the administrative office (in the army in the second year I worked as a camp documents, documents, also is the only one who has served as camp some document writing, office experience), so what to do next? Is, of course, take graduation card to, several times the turnover, 22, got the college diploma, and then gave birth to this... , work better (thinks) in the work, not to think of me as a zero hire contractors in institutions admitted to the party (branch has been 6 years without developing party members), more sparked my desire for learning, due to the gradually familiar with, for the computer basic operation is not limited to, want to pursue a higher level of knowledge, why? Programmers? To hear this name is accelerated flow speed, to feel the blood before the envy of hackers, software engineer, why is 9, 9, 10 is 10? These hidden at the bottom of the dream of surge out, as if also found the aim in life, my first lesson is to learn c language, c primer plus has learned the last chapter, the book exercises are independent thinking independently (problem basically finished, some problem to do half a day, tired collapse... ), I should learn how to next? Want to learn? I still have a chance to transform the programmer? Forget your great god leave valuable advice, help the younger brother, thank you very much,

CodePudding user response:

Diploma is very important to tell the truth this society, and it is also a very real problem, the light has the technology doesn't work, you can go to try for a resume, good luck can also

CodePudding user response:

reference 1/f, unique weakness response:
diploma is very important to tell the truth this society, is also a very real problem, light has the technology doesn't work, you can go to try for a resume, good luck can also

Congenital deficiency plus time and family relations, is hard to make me rose research, should not be in his bachelor's degree graduation next year to rose degree

CodePudding user response:

Can see the recruitment requirements of learning

CodePudding user response:

reference 3 floor? Victor.?? Response:
can see the recruitment requirements of learning

I don't have a recruiting experience, has not been very clear where recruitment , recommend?

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor Mrhuyuexiao response:
Quote: reference 3 floor? Victor.?? Response:
can see the recruitment requirements of learning

I don't have a recruiting experience, has not been very clear where recruitment , recommend?

General online job search, boss hired, pull hook, etc.

Try to choose the big recruitment platform, large companies, so as not to be cheated

CodePudding user response:

reference 5 floor? Victor.?? Response:
Quote: refer to 4th floor Mrhuyuexiao response:

Quote: 3 reference building? Victor.?? Response:
can see the recruitment requirements of learning

I don't have a recruiting experience, has not been very clear where recruitment , recommend?

General online job search, boss hired, pull hook, etc.

Try to choose the big recruitment platform, large companies, in order to avoid be cheated

Ok, I'll go to see

CodePudding user response:

Learn C will want to do this? Want to get too easy! Must do this line, it is better to try to find a place to do apprentice, I didn't feel some miniature company may accept this basis

CodePudding user response:

refer to 7th floor liups response:
learn C will want to do this? Want to get too easy! Must do this line, it is better to try to find a place to do apprentice, I feel some miniature company just accept this basis

To further study, want to know the next what to learn? Now work salary is not high but time is more, want to take advantage of spare time to continue learning, strive for next year transition,

CodePudding user response:

refer to 7th floor liups response:
learn C will want to do this? Want to get too easy! Must do this line, it is better to try to find a place to do apprentice, I feel some miniature company just accept this basis

To further study, want to know the next what to learn? Now work salary is not high but time is more, want to take advantage of spare time to continue learning, strive for next year transition,

CodePudding user response:

refer to 7th floor liups response:
learn C will want to do this? Want to get too easy! Must do this line, it is better to try to find a place to do apprentice, I feel some miniature company just accept this basis

Just learn c, then can feel interested in learning, now looking for a job is impractical

CodePudding user response:

Not at the beginning of junior high school of aside, pretty vexed you points under paragraph number,
Look at this headache,

CodePudding user response:

11 references m0_46108109 response:
aside not at the beginning of junior high school, really bother you points under paragraph number,
Look at this headache,
hey hey, mobile phone work-stations, without notice, the next note,

CodePudding user response:

Don't have chance to

As I watched you didn't block, never look down, some chance, you haven't enter the threshold of a,
Your experience with it completely, and from the point of view of your experience, do not see related talent,

However, your experience, much like lei feng, you should learn from his soul,
Look from your writing, you haven't really done life planning, you should take good analyzing what to do,

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