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FASTREPORT report problems


The report, five line of a page,
Starting on page, page faults, page 5, 6 pages should be together, I don't know why separated,
And, the 567 - page, this page together, also don't display, add paging events,

The function MoneyToCharacter (STR: string) : string;
String1, string2, string3, string4, ch1 and ch2, s, s1, RMB: string;
I, j, k, zero: Integer;
The begin
String1:='zero remark 3 boss wu lu and pure nine';
String2:='pick up thousands of thousand hundred million thousand hundred times or pick up thousands of thousand hundred yuan Angle points';
S:=trim (STR);
S:=format (. % 2 f, [strtofloat (STR)]);
If (strtofloat (s) & lt; 0) then
S:=Trim (FloatToStr (strtofloat (STR) * (100)))//'the Numbers into integer string
The else
S:=Trim (FloatToStr (strtofloat (STR) * 100));
J:=Length (s);//'length of the string
String4:=copy (string2, Length (string2) - j * 2 + 1, j * 2);//'out of the largest digit said
For I:=1 to j do
The begin
String3:=copy (s, I, 1);
Ch1:=copy (string1, (StrToInt (string3) + 1) * 2-1, 2);
Ch2:=copy (string4, I * 2-1, 2);
If string3 & lt;> '0' then
The else
The begin
Zero:=zero + 1;
If (j - I & lt;> 14) and (j - I & lt;> 10) and (j - I & lt;> 6) and (j - I & lt;> 2) or (zero & gt; 3) and (j - I=6) then
If (the copy (s, I, 2)='00') or (string3='0') and (j - I=14) or (j - I=10) or (j - I=6) or (j - I=2) or (j - I=0) then
The end;
RMB:=RMB, ch1 and ch2;
If (j - I=14) or (j - I=10) or (j - I=6) or (j - I=2), then the
If (the copy (s, I, 1)='0') and (copy (s, I + 1, 1) & lt;> '0') then
RMB:=RMB + 'zero';
The end;
If string3='0' then
RMB:=RMB + 'whole';
If (strtofloat (STR) & lt; 0) then
Result:='negative' + RMB
The else
The end;
The end;
PageLine: integer;//print the first line on page now
PageMaxRow: integer=5;//set the number of columns per page
Procedure Footer1OnBeforePrint (Sender: TfrxComponent);

I: integer;
The begin
I:=the iif (PageLine=0, PageMaxRow, PageLine);
While I & lt; PageMaxRow do begin
I:=I + 1;
Engine. ShowBand (Child1);//print blank
The end;
The end;
Procedure MasterData1OnBeforePrint (Sender: TfrxComponent);
The begin
PageLine:=& lt; Line> The mod PageMaxRow;
If (PageLine=1) and (& lt; Line> 1) then
Engine. Brought;
The end;

The begin


CodePudding user response:

CodePudding user response:

Check the paging data access to data
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