Home > Back-end > In JAVA this why cannot achieve the minimum, strives for the answer
In JAVA this why cannot achieve the minimum, strives for the answer
String num. Int I, k, N. System. The out. Print (" N value is: "); C=new Scanner Scanner System. (in); N=c.n extInt (); Int [] s=new int [N]. K=s [0]; InputStreamReader isr=new InputStreamReader (System. In); BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader (isr); Try { System. The out. Print (" Input N Numbers: \ N "); for(i=0; i{ System. The out. Print (" please enter the first "+ (1 + I) +" number: "); Num=br. ReadLine (); S [I]=Integer. The parseInt (num); } for(i=0; i{ If (k> S [I]) { K=s [I]; } } System. The out. Println (" minimum value is: "+ k); } The catch (IOException e) {}
CodePudding user response:
Your sort code is as follows:
for(i=0; i{ If (k> S [I]) { K=s [I]; } }
I'll give you a change to the
K=s [0]; for(i=0; i{ If (k> S [I]) { K=s [I]; }
See the difference? You to assign a k s [] had nothing to do with the value of 0, if you give s all array elements are greater than zero, you won't get the s array inside the minimum value, because they are bigger than 0