I have a .Net6 WinForms application using Entity Framework Core 6.0.3 and I am trying to read a simple table from a SQL Server database. I need to rename the column so that it is different in the model than what it is called in the database.
Normally (in EF6, I would add a [Column()] attribute on the property with the new name. However, when I do that it throws an exception reading the data 'Invalid column name' for whatever the new name is.
I have also tried using the modelBuilder and calling the HasColumnName() but get the same error. If I remove the attribute/model builder reference, then no exception occurs, except that I am stuck with the old column name.
public partial class SpecialReferenceTable
public Int32 Id { get; set;}
[Column("NewRefColumn"] // Throws exception Column does not exist: NewRefColumn
public String? OldRefColumn {get;set;}
Is there something I am missing with renaming column in Core?
CodePudding user response:
[Column("Column name")] is used for the name of the column in the database table and the name of the property you have is the one you want to change.