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Numpy array, multiply and sum over specific axis


Let's say I have an array A such that

A = np.array([

where the shape is something like (3,2,4) in this example. Now let's say I have another array B such that

B = np.array([1,2,3,4])

I would like to multiply A and B element wise along the last axis of A and sum, such that

C = np.array([

Is there a nice way to do this? I thought about making an equivalent 3D array out of B, doing element wise multiplication, and summing along the last axis of this new array. I was wondering if there is a cleaner way to do this?

Edit: If it makes things easier, A can also be written just as

A = np.array([

I made A in the way shown at the top of my post because I thought it was neccessary to do so for the proposed multiplication and summation. If working with this version of A at the bottom of this post is easier/just as easy then that would be preferable.


CodePudding user response:

Your example is ambiguous and how you break down the computation is unclear.

It looks to me that you could take any element of the last dimension of A and multiply it with the sum of B:


Or do you want to sum afterwards?



array([[10, 20],
       [30, 40],
       [50, 60]])

CodePudding user response:

In [126]: A = np.array([
     ...:     [[1,1,1,1],[2,2,2,2]],
     ...:     [[3,3,3,3],[4,4,4,4]],
     ...:     [[5,5,5,5],[6,6,6,6]]
     ...: ])
In [127]: A.shape
Out[127]: (3, 2, 4)
In [128]: B = np.array([1,2,3,4])

(3,2,4) broadcasts with (4,) (e.g (1,1,4)) to make (3,2,4), then sum on 4:

In [129]: (A*B).sum(axis=-1)
array([[10, 20],
       [30, 40],
       [50, 60]])

If the start is (3,2):

In [130]: A1 = np.array([
     ...:     [1,2],
     ...:     [3,4],
     ...:     [5,6]
     ...: ])

make it (3,2,1):

In [132]: (A1[:,:,None]*B).shape
Out[132]: (3, 2, 4)
In [133]: (A1[:,:,None]*B).sum(axis=-1)
array([[10, 20],
       [30, 40],
       [50, 60]])
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