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Student management system, two-way chain table structure, in the final string comparison when out of


Red parts is an error, the error is different types, but I look at the others of the same is true of ah, hurry please god help me
I am using vc + + 6.0


#include //getch () function need

#include //the exit () function need

#include //STRCMP () function need

13//# define IDLen ID field length

11//# define NameLen name field length

5//# define SexLen gender field length

//storage structure of the student's grade

Struct Score

Int cp;//C
Int en;//English
Int math;//high number
//storage structure of student information

Typedef struct Stu


Char id [IDLen];//student id

Char name [NameLen];//name

Char sex [SexLen];//gender

int age;//age

Struct Score Score;//store the result of structure

Double avg.//average

} Student;

//the bidirectional circular linked list node

Typedef struct theNode


Struct theNode * prev.//points to the previous node

Int the order;//original order

Student stu. Students in a//node
Struct theNode * next;//pointer to the next node

} the Node;

The head Node *=NULL;//a pointer to the first node

Node * tail=NULL;//a pointer to the end node

Int num=0;//input the total number of

Char choice=0;//the user to select the item

Char dir=0;//user sort direction (1: ascending, 2: descending)

Void InputStudent ();//input student information

Void DisplayMenu ();//display options menu

Void GetOrderDir ();//show the user to select the sort direction
Void SortStudent ();//information to the student stu [] to sort the results into sorted in []

Void OutputStudent ();//output all student information
Node * find (Node *);//query student information

Void main ()

InputStudent ();//input student information

While (1)
DisplayMenu ();//display menu
If (' 0 '==choice)//select operation "0", then exit the program
{printf (" \ n thanks for use! \n");
Getche ();
Else if (=='9' choice)//select "9" operation, the output all the original information

SortStudent ();//sort student information

OutputStudent ();//output student information

Else if (choice> '0' & amp; & Choice<'9')//other operations, according to the selected attributes sorting
GetOrderDir ();//show the user to select the sort direction
SortStudent ();//sort student information

OutputStudent ();//output student information

Else if (' a '==choice)
Find (the head);
//input student information

Void InputStudent ()
Node * p=NULL;//points to the new student node

//initialize the head pointer and the tail pointer

Head=(*) malloc (sizeof (Node));
Tail=(*) malloc (sizeof (Node));

The head - & gt; Prev=NULL;

The head - & gt; Next=tail;

Tail - & gt; Prev=head;

Tail - & gt; Next=NULL;

While (1)


Printf (" \ n please enter the first % d student information: \ n ", + + num);

P=(*) malloc (sizeof (Node));//enter student allocate storage space for new

p-> The order=num;

Printf (" -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- \ n ");

Printf (" student number (less than 12 characters) : \ t ");

The scanf (" % s ", p - & gt; Stu. Id);

p-> Stu. Id [] IDLen - 1=0;//the last character to add a terminator

Printf (" name (10 characters) : \ t ");

The scanf (" % s ", p - & gt; Stu. Name);

p-> Stu. Name [] NameLen - 1='\ 0';//the last character to add a terminator

Printf (" gender (4 characters) : \ t ");

The scanf (" % s ", p - & gt; Stu. Sex);

p-> Stu. Sex [] SexLen - 1='\ 0';//the last character to add a terminator

Printf (" age (integer) : t \ \ t ");

The scanf (" % d ", & amp; p-> Stu. Age);

Printf (" "C" grade (integer) : \ t ");

The scanf (" % d ", & amp; p-> Stu. Score. Cp);

Printf (" "English" grade (integer) : \ t ");

The scanf (" % d ", & amp; p-> Stu. Score. En);

Printf (" high "number" result (integer) : \ t ");

The scanf (" % d ", & amp; p-> Stu. Score. Math);

p-> Stu. Avg=(p - & gt; Stu. Score. Cp + p - & gt; Stu. Score. En + p - & gt; Stu. Score. Math)/3.0;

Printf (" -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- \ n ");

Node p//the new students added to the list before finally tail

p-> Next=tail;//p after the node point to tail

p-> Prev=tail - & gt; Prev.//p of the nodes of the original tail before the node

Tail - & gt; Prev - & gt; Next=p;//tail after the node before the original node now point p

Tail - & gt; Prev=p;//tail now before the node point to tail

//whether or not to continue enter

Printf (" \ n please select operation: \ n ");

Printf (" -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- \ n ");

Printf (" input (0) to complete the t \ \ t (any other key) : continue to input \ n ");

Printf (" -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- \ n ");

If (getche ()=='0')
//display options menu
Void DisplayMenu ()
While (1)
Printf (" please select your operating (sort and display the original information or exit) : \ n ");
Printf (" -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- \ n ");
Printf (" * (1) student id \ \ t t (2) the name gender \ t (3) (4) age \ n ");
Printf (" * (5) (6) English \ \ t t C (7) high (8) average number \ t \ n ");
Printf (" * (9) shows the original input \ t \ n (0) to exit the program ");
Printf (" -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- \ n ");
Choice=getche ();
If (choice - '0' & lt; 0 | | choice - '0' & gt; 9 & amp; & choice!
='a')Printf (" \ n input error, please input again! \n");
else return;
//show the user to select the sort direction
Void GetOrderDir ()
While (1)
Printf (" please choose your sort direction (or return) : \ n ");
Printf (" -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- \ n ");
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