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Seek expert help modify the WMI code section of Delphi call


Each code for current which is the main purpose of hard disk hard disk partition and obtain partition ID such as:

The following is a master to help write the code but get a little mistakes in my computer, and could not contact him so please cow elder brothers here help
Failed to get to my F plate is under which hard disk and partition is I get to the screenshot

The following is the code:
Uses the ActiveX, ComObj;

The function ListDrives: string;
FSWbemLocator: OLEVariant;
ObjWMIService: OLEVariant;
ColDiskDrives: OLEVariant;
ColLogicalDisks: OLEVariant;
ColPartitions: OLEVariant;
ObjdiskDrive: OLEVariant;
ObjPartition: OLEVariant;
ObjLogicalDisk: OLEVariant;
OEnumDiskDrive: IEnumvariant;
OEnumPartition: IEnumvariant;
OEnumLogical: IEnumvariant;
IValue: LongWord;
DeviceID: string;
The begin.
FSWbemLocator:=CreateOleObject (' WbemScripting. SWbemLocator ');
ObjWMIService:=FSWbemLocator ConnectServer (' localhost ', 'root \ CIMV2', ', ');
ColDiskDrives:=objWMIService ExecQuery (' SELECT DeviceID FROM Win32_DiskDrive ');
OEnumDiskDrive:=IUnknown (colDiskDrives _NewEnum) as IEnumVariant;
While oEnumDiskDrive. Next (1, objdiskDrive, iValue)=0 do
The begin
Form1. Memo1. Lines. The Add (Format (' DeviceID % s', [string (objdiskDrive. DeviceID)]));
DeviceID:=StringReplace (objdiskDrive DeviceID, '\' \ '\', [rfReplaceAll]);
ColPartitions:=objWMIService ExecQuery (Format (' ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskDrive. DeviceID="% s"} WHERE AssocClass=Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition ', [DeviceID]));
OEnumPartition:=IUnknown (colPartitions _NewEnum) as IEnumVariant;
While oEnumPartition. Next (1, objPartition, iValue)=0 do
The begin
If not VarIsNull (objPartition. DeviceID) then
The begin
Form1. Memo1. Lines. The Add (Format (' Partition % s', [string (objPartition. DeviceID)]));
ColLogicalDisks:=objWMIService ExecQuery (ASSOCIATORS 'OF {Win32_DiskPartition. DeviceID="' + VarToStr (objPartition. DeviceID) + '"} WHERE AssocClass=Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition');
OEnumLogical:=IUnknown (colLogicalDisks _NewEnum) as IEnumVariant;
While oEnumLogical. Next (1, objLogicalDisk, iValue)=0 do
The begin
Form1. Memo1. Lines. The Add (Format (' Logical Disk % s', [string (objLogicalDisk. DeviceID)]));
ObjLogicalDisk:=the Unassigned;
ObjPartition:=the Unassigned;
ObjdiskDrive:=the Unassigned;

Procedure TForm1. Button1Click (Sender: TObject);
The begin
CoInitialize (nil);
The finally
On E: the Exception do
Form1. Memo1. Lines. The Add (e.c. with our fabrication: lassname + ', '+ E.M essage);

CodePudding user response:

Seek expert help under your top

CodePudding user response:

Actually drive F output, as to why the dislocation, temporarily don't see reason,

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor pathletboy response:
actually drive F output, as to why dislocation, temporarily don't see reason,

Because I am using Windows 7 system with 100 m reserves estimates 0 that is retained by partitioning

CodePudding user response:

Win32_Volume can get ready to even shows the Windows 7 reserve system but can't seem to use this parameter under XP help you a great god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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