FormMsg: TForm3;
The begin
If assigned (FormMsg) then
The begin
FormMsg:=TForm3. Create (Self);
FormMsg. MsgParm. S_PayId:=IntToStr (FormMsg. Handle);
FormMsg. MsgParm. FormHand:=FormMsg. Handle;
FormMsg. Show;
The end;
The end;
So I can get right to the value in Form3
Head Form3
unit Unit3.
USES the
Winapi. Windows, Winapi Messages, System. SysUtils, System. Variants, System. Classes, Vcl. Graphics,
The Vcl. Controls, Vcl. Forms, Vcl. Dialogs, Vcl. ExtCtrls, Vcl. StdCtrls, Vcl.Com Ctrls;
Type TMsginfo=record
S_Op: string;
FormHand: Integer;
ItemId: Integer;
The end;
PMsginfo=^ TMsginfo;
TForm3=class (TForm)
Memo1: TMemo;
Memo2: TMemo;
Splitter1: TSplitter;
For: TButton;
StatusBar1: TStatusBar;
Procedure Button1Click (Sender: TObject);
Procedure FormClose (Sender: TObject; Var Action: TCloseAction);
Procedure FormShow (Sender: TObject);
{Private declarations}
{Public declarations}
MsgParm: TMsginfo;
The end;
Form3: TForm3;
MsgThread: Integer;
B_MsgComplent: Boolean;
procedure TForm3. Button1Click (Sender: TObject);
I: string;
The begin
I:=MsgParm. S_PayId;
The end;
The thread I want how to value below, please help me with the
procedure TForm3. FormShow (Sender: TObject);
ThreadID: Cardinal;
The begin
//MsgParm. FormHand:=the Self;
MsgParm. S_Op:='Open';//here can correct values
//MsgDo (1);
MsgThread:=CreateThread (nil, 0, @ MsgDo, @ MsgParm, 0, ThreadID);
The end;
The function MsgDo (P: Pointer) : Integer;
Payid: string;
The begin
Payid:=PMsgParm (P) ^. S_PayId;//this is less than the
Payid:=MsgParm. S_PayId;//this is less than the
//if not dynamically create
Payid:=Form3. MsgParm. S_PayId;//this also take less than
The end;
How do I value in this thread, pass the value
CodePudding user response:
Create a thread, don't preach MsgParm go in, but to preach the TForm3 instances, such as:MsgThread:=CreateThread (nil, 0, @ MsgDo, Self , 0, ThreadID);
Again in the thread through the instance MsgParm access the domain variables,
CodePudding user response:
The function MsgDo (P: Pointer) : Integer;Define error, change to the
The function MsgDo (P: Pointer) : Integer; Stdcall;
CodePudding user response:
Directly to a global variable is bad?