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CompletableFuture instance (a) _ for multithreaded copying specified directory


Recently in learning Java8 CompletableFuture class, want to learn the multithreading,
Also try to write some code, deficiencies still please people more directions!
 import Java. IO. IOException; 
Import the Java. Nio. File. FileSystems;
Import the Java. Nio. File. FileVisitResult;
Import the Java. Nio. File. The Files;
Import the Java. Nio. File. The Path;
Import the Java. Nio. File. Paths;
Import the Java. Nio. File. SimpleFileVisitor;
Import the Java. Nio. File. The attribute. The BasicFileAttributes;
import java.util.ArrayList;
Import the Java. Util. Collections;
import java.util.List;
Import the Java. Util. Objects;
The import java.util.concurrent.Com pletableFuture;
Import the Java. Util. Concurrent. The ExecutorService;
Import the Java. Util. Concurrent. Executors;
Import the Java. Util. Concurrent. TimeUnit;

Public class Test {
Private static final ExecutorService serivce=Executors. NewFixedThreadPool (Runtime. The getRuntime (). AvailableProcessors ());

The public Test () {
//TODO Auto - generated constructor stub

Private static List ExecFileCopy (String SRC, String tar) {
List LST=Collections. SynchronizedList (new ArrayList ());

Try {
The Path target=FileSystems. GetDefault (.) getPath (tar);
Files. The walkFileTree (Paths. The get (SRC), new SimpleFileVisitor () {
Public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory (Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
Objects. RequireNonNull (dir);
Objects. RequireNonNull (attrs);
The Path targetPath=target. Resolve (dir. Subpath (0, dir. GetNameCount ()));
Files. CreateDirectories (targetPath);
Return FileVisitResult. CONTINUE;

Public FileVisitResult visitFile (Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
Objects. RequireNonNull (file);
The Path targetPath=target. Resolve (file. Subpath (0, the file. GetNameCount ()));
LST. Add (CompletableFuture. RunAsync (() - & gt; {
Try {
Files. The copy (file, targetPath);
} the catch (IOException e) {
//TODO Auto - generated the catch block,
E.p rintStackTrace ();
}, serivce));
Return FileVisitResult. CONTINUE;
} the catch (IOException e) {
E.p rintStackTrace ();
Return LST.

Public static void main (String [] args) throws the Exception {
Long s=System. CurrentTimeMillis ();
String tar="E: \ \ 3";
String SRC="F: \ \ angular2";//directory contains 386 m 734 m size file (1), 185 m files (1), the remaining 26918 files for grade K pieces file

List List=execFileCopy (SRC, tar);
CompletableFuture ControlFuture=CompletableFuture. AllOf (list. ToArray (new CompletableFuture [] {}));
while(! ControlFuture. IsDone () {}
System. The out. Println (" exception found: "+ controlFuture. IsCompletedExceptionally ());

System. The out. Println ((System. CurrentTimeMillis () - s)/1000);//takes 27 seconds system environment (i5-3337 - u 4 g 256 GSSD ramdisk Win10)
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