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Unpivoting for large dataset and greater number of unique columns


The pivot and unpivot functions in snowflake are not efficient for processing 30 unique columns into row based.

Use case : I have 35 different month columns which needs to be rows based , another 35 columns will be quantity for the corresponding month . So at the and there will be 2 columns(one for month data and another for quantity) for 70 unique columns there would be aggregation of quantity based on month But unpivoting is not at all efficient. The below query is scanning 15 GB of data from the main table used

select part_num ,concat(date_part(year, dates),'-',date_part(month, dates)) as month_year,
sum(quantity) as quantities
 from table_name
unpivot(dates for cols in (month_1, 30 other uniue cols)),
unpivot(quantity for cols in (qunatity_1, 30 other uniue cols)),
group by part_num, month_year

Is there any other approach to unpivot large dataset. Thanks

CodePudding user response:

Alternative approach could be using conditional aggregation:

with cte as (
  select part_num
     ,concat(date_part(year, dates),'-',date_part(month, dates)) as month_year
     ,sum(quantity) as quantities
  from table_name
  group by part_num, month_year
SELECT part_num 
      -- lowest date
      ,'2020-01' AS "2020-01"
      ,MAX(IFF(month_year='2020-01', quantities, NULL) AS "quantities_2020-01"
      -- next date
      -- last date
      ,'2022-04' AS "2022-04"
      ,MAX(IFF(month_year='2022-04', quantities, NULL) AS "quantities_2022-04"
FROM cte
GROUP BY part_num;

Version using single GROUP BY and TO_VARCHAR with format:

SELECT part_num 
  -- lowest date
  ,MAX(IFF(TO_VARCHAR(dates,'YYYY-MM'),'2020-01',NULL) AS "2020-01"
  ,MAX(IFF(TO_VARCHAR(dates,'YYYY-MM')='2020-01',quantities,NULL) AS "quantities_2020-01"
  -- next date
  -- last date
  ,MAX(IFF(TO_VARCHAR(dates,'YYYY-MM'),'2022-04',NULL) AS "2022-04"
  ,MAX(IFF(TO_VARCHAR(dates,'YYYY-MM')='2022-04',quantities,NULL) AS "quantities_2022-04"
FROM table_name
GROUP BY part_num;

CodePudding user response:

So if we get some example DATA and test is what is happening is what is wanted..

Here is a trival and tiny CTE worth of data

with table_name(part_num, month_1, month_2, month_3, qunatity_1, qunatity_2, qunatity_3) as (
    select * from values
    (1, '2022-01-01'::date, '2022-02-01'::date, '2022-03-01'::date, 4, 5, 6)

now pointing your SQL at it (after making it compile)

   ,to_char(dates, 'yyyy-mm') as month_year
   ,sum(quantity) as quantities
from table_name
    unpivot(dates for month in (month_1, month_2, month_3))
    unpivot(quantity for quan in (qunatity_1, qunatity_2, qunatity_3))
group by part_num, month_year


1 2022-01 15
1 2022-02 15
1 2022-03 15

which is not what I think you are after.

If we look at the un aggregated rows:

1 MONTH_1 2022-01-01 QUNATITY_1 4
1 MONTH_1 2022-01-01 QUNATITY_2 5
1 MONTH_1 2022-01-01 QUNATITY_3 6
1 MONTH_2 2022-02-01 QUNATITY_1 4
1 MONTH_2 2022-02-01 QUNATITY_2 5
1 MONTH_2 2022-02-01 QUNATITY_3 6
1 MONTH_3 2022-03-01 QUNATITY_1 4
1 MONTH_3 2022-03-01 QUNATITY_2 5
1 MONTH_3 2022-03-01 QUNATITY_3 6

we are getting a cross join, which is not what I believe you are wanting.

my understanding is you want a relationship between month (1-35) and quantity (1-35)

thus a mix like:

1 MONTH_1 2022-01-01 QUNATITY_1 4
1 MONTH_2 2022-02-01 QUNATITY_2 5
1 MONTH_3 2022-03-01 QUNATITY_3 6

Guessed Answer:

My guess at what you really are wanting is:

  ,to_char(dates, 'yyyy-mm') as month_year
  ,array_construct(qunatity_1, qunatity_2, qunatity_3)[split_part(month,'_',2)::number - 1] as qunatity
from table_name
    unpivot(dates for month in (month_1, month_2, month_3))
order by 1,2;

which gives (for the same above CTE data):

1 2022-01 4
1 2022-02 5
1 2022-03 6
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